Zocdoc.com - Dr. Zouhair Kabbara Company News Section

Dr. Zouhair Kabbara Information
Dr. Zouhair Kabbara Press Release -


  • Dr. Zouhair M. Kabbara: A Beacon of Philanthropy and Humanitarian Efforts
  • Dr. Zouhair Kabbara, a multilingual graduate of Kaunas Medical University, is renowned for his humanitarian efforts. He volunteers in nursing homes, supports global communities through a $20,000 annual fund for the homeless, and donates to animal shelters. His dedication to philanthropy and compassion has made a profound impact worldwide.
  • Dr. Zouhair M. Kabbara, a distinguished graduate of Kaunas Medical University in Lithuania, is making waves in the realm of philanthropy and humanitar ...
  • September 04, 2024