Digital Signature Gallery Offers Digital Signature Certificates For Income Tax Returns E-Filing

This income tax return filing season, Digital Signature Gallery attempts to make your task simpler by providing digital signature certificates to aid you in e-filing your tax returns.
- (1888PressRelease) July 19, 2012 - Digital Signature Gallery provides digital signature certificates for income tax return filing for the financial year (2011-12) i.e. assessment year 2012-13. You have the option to purchase a signature of 1 year validity or 2 year validity.
With the digital signature you can comfortably and conveniently file you returns from your desk. You need to go through the hassle of filling up a long paper form and going to the income tax office.
It is also pertinent to note that for some entities e.g. all companies, all individuals/HUFs whose income is over 10 lakhs, all individuals/HUFs whose accounts need to be audited, it is mandatory to e-file returns i.e. you cannot submit your returns in paper form.
In other cases where e-filing is not mandatory, it can actually be convenient. Also if the income tax department owes you a refund, e-filing you return can help expedite you refund process.
Visit our site to know more on getting a digital signature for income tax return e-filing.