David Michael Dunbar Announces The Release Of 'YHWH Elohim: The Coming Destruction Of Israel'

Yhwh Elohim's rejection of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion through the eyes of the Jewish prophets, failure of Hegel's 'Elements of the Philosophy of Right,' flaws in Marx & Engels 'The Communist Manifesto,' discussions of the CIA's MKULTRA program, codes, remote viewing, and the failure of empiricism and the scientific method as a foundation of reason.
- (1888PressRelease) November 11, 2013 - Author David Michael Dunbar announces the release of YHWH Elohim: The Coming Destruction of Israel. The author claims that the penentration of the MKULTRA program by YHWH Elohim began in 1999 and that the infiltration and remote viewing of the system was completed in 2010 with the Arab Spring uprisings; all without human effort or knowledge.
The author warns that Israel has been rejected by YHWH Elohim a final time because of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and that the system will be overthrown suddenly and without warning. "Anyone," says the author, "who has been involved in any way with MKULTRA will be brought before YHWH Elohim for punishment."
Dunbar advises that a Zionist movement has hidden itself under the guise of the black civil rights movement and exposes multiple codes (anagram, integer sequence, phonetic, dyslexic letter flips) including MLK or MULK (regarding human sacrifice, Molech, and Baal) in the name Martin LUther King as well as OPHAN (a wheel angel discussed in the book of Ezekiel) in the name Barack Hussein Obama or ParackHusseiNObamA ((H+7(O), H-6(P), H(H), H-7(A),H+6(N)). "The latter code," explains the author, "can be seen by employing a vertical flip of the lower case letter 'b' in barack, a phenomena seen in dyslexia, when a b can be flipped vertically to become a p or horizontally to become d (b with vertical flip=p and b with horizontal flip=d)."
In YHWH Elohim:The Coming Destruction of Israel the author discusses the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA/MONARCH program, ULTRA communications, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, flaws in the thinking of German philosopher Georg Hegel such as the failure to recognize the attended system of accident and chance in Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right, circular reasoning in Hegel's Science of Logic, flaws in the Communist Manifesto and Marx' misunderstanding of truth and religion, and why the scientific method is an unreliable method of reason for issues such as missing causation, changing causation, and multiple causation.
"Germany produces the world's worst thinkers if they can even be called thinkers," says the author, "real Neanderthals. Hegel, Marx, Engels, Nietzsche...A-Still-a-the-Hun.
We're hurdling back in time now several thousand years to a Jewish subculture which existed after the abandonment of the worship of Yahweh Elohim as identified by the Old Testament prophets. Clearly identifiable axioms are materializing. Hate speech or making 'an offender by a word' is evident today as identified by Attorney Edgar J. Steele of Sandpoint, Idaho with his client, Lonny Rae. Taxing the grain of the poor or 'Since therefore you tread upon the poor, and you take from him burdens of wheat...' was demonstrated by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the induced mass famine of 1921 when Vladimir Lenin said, ' We are still so ruined and crushed by the burden of war (which was on but yesterday and could break out anew tomorrow, owing to the rapacity and malice of the capitalists) that we cannot give the peasant manufactured goods in return for all the grain we need. Being aware of this, we are introducing the tax in kind, that is, we shall take the minimum of grain we require (for the army and the workers) in the form of a tax and obtain the rest in exchange for manufactured goods (Isaiah 29:21; Amos 5:11).'
Winning an argument isn't about grunting like an ape, rude interruptions or being a Demosthenes style moron. Greek philosophy is sophisticated stupidity. And beating up the chemistry professor won't put 3 hydrogen molecules in a drop of water. All Hegel did-besides promoting circular reasoning-is advocate the false notion of the power academic. There is no such thing as a power academic. There's a fool or an academic and a power academic is only another name for that fool. It would be a fool like Hegel to lament the perfect system of accident and chance. The only notable German thinker that I know of is Martin Luther. He was the only German intelligent enough to think that he might be wrong. There ought to be a golden statue of Luther set up in Berlin and German youth should begin their school day by reciting the words, 'I might be wrong' as they look adoringly out the window at his statue."
Amongst the contentions of the author is that Jewish prophets were already familiar with the theory of relativity later ascribed to Albert Einstein; social learning theory later ascribed to Albert Bandura or Julian Rotter; the 3rd Law of Motion later ascribed to Newton; that Georg Hegel fulfilled not only Romans 1:23 by replacing YHWH Elohim with the State, but also that Hegel borrowed the original Exodus 32 abandonment argument which resulted in his golden calf i.e. the State for his premise to Elements of the Philosophy of Right all the while simultaneously fulfilling the Apostle Paul's warning of Colossians 2:8 regarding philosophy; that the scriptural system of accident and chance described by Hegel as abandoned is not only attended, but is the perfect system; that identifiable behavior patterns have reemerged which can be observed indicating a change of spirit consistent with warnings of sacred text; that Occam's Razor fulfilled Romans 1:28; that simple philology is not reliable in reading sacred text; and that the charge of anti-Semitism is often used to conceal anti-Zionism, etc.
The author gives specific dates for datable claims of scriptural fulfillment which he says are provable due to copyright or acknowledged authorship.
In addition, Dunbar also contends that the MKULTRA program is the Powerful Delusion spoken of by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:11.
With 666 sources in MLA format in addition to sacred text.