David L. Nelson Information
- David L. Nelson
- Phone: (313)274-3812
- URL: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-Have-Lose-Conceived/dp/B0DN6RN2FL?crid=7HG48L09X9JO&&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nv-U6YLQU5k2dIcyimtzyUorFm0Cnos2e_1BUcCyqAH34XymSf5NhbWaDbm76dNZD2fqgvM90SfGryi2M_ISfDa3eYUfuX16NpBz2THJOthWUE9LHMC8bEntPRqpL1raSRm_vsArAA5NknPPDEoM8v
- David L. Nelson holds a JD from the University of Michigan Law School. He is a recognized member of the Michigan Bar Association and gained admittance to the US Supreme Court. Previous works include Tool Marks Don%u2019t Lie, River of Iron and Chasing Blood Money.
David L. Nelson Press Release -