Dallas Committee for a Qualified Judiciary Presents Slate of 41 Qualified Candidates for 2014 Dallas County Primary

The nonpartisan Committee for a Qualified Judiciary (CQJ) is endorsing 41 candidates as qualified to preside as judges in 28 Dallas County judicial races ahead of the March 4 primary.
- Dallas, TX (1888PressRelease) February 14, 2014 - CQJ evaluated both Republican and Democratic candidates who will appear on the primary ballot, and all those endorsed took part in the CQJ's thorough evaluation process.
CQJ surveyed the candidates regarding their credentials, including the breadth and depth of their professional experience, expertise and certifications, and the most significant cases handled by the candidates during their careers. CQJ members also personally interviewed all of the participating candidates. The committee evaluated both Republican and Democratic candidates who will appear on the primary ballot, inviting each of the 89 candidates to participate in a thorough evaluation process. A total of 46 candidates participated in the process.
Those who took part in the evaluations were vetted by CQJ based on their legal abilities, integrity, judicial temperament and commitment to the fair and impartial administration of justice. CQJ also conducted reference checks and studied the Dallas Bar Association Judicial Evaluation Poll results for each candidate. In a few of the races, all candidates were found to be qualified.
The 41 primary candidates endorsed as qualified are listed below:
Court, candidate(s):
44th Civil District: Bonnie Lee Goldstein (D)
68th Civil District: Hon. Martin Jerome Hoffman (D)
101st Civil District: Hon. Marty Lowy (D)
116th Civil District: Hon. Tonya Parker (D)
193rd Civil District: Hon. Carl Ginsberg (D)
204th Criminal District: Tammy Kemp (D)
265th Criminal District: Jennifer Bennett (D)
282nd Criminal District: Hon. Andy Chatham (D)
283rd Criminal District: Justin Lord (D), Hon. Rick Magnis (D)
291st Criminal District: Susan Anderson (D), Hon. Jennifer Balido (R), Stephanie N. Mitchell (D)
292nd Criminal District: Brandon Birmingham (D), Janet Cook (R)
363rd Criminal District: Hon. Tracy Holmes (D)
255th Family District: Hon. Lori Chrisman Hockett (D)
301st Family District: Craig Bonham (D), Mary Brown (D), Lawrence J. Praeger (D)
304th Family District: Hon. William A. "Bill" Mazur Jr. (D)
330th Family District: Randall Grubbs (D), Hon. Andrea Plumlee (D)
County Court at Law No. 1: Hon. D'Metria Benson (D)
County Court at Law No. 3: Mike Lee (R), Hon. Sally Montgomery (D)
County Criminal Court No. 2: Hon. Julia Hayes (D)
County Criminal Court No. 4: Remeko Edwards (D), Nancy Mulder (D)
County Criminal Court No. 5: Trey Bunch (D), Lisa Green (D)
County Criminal Court No. 8: Hon. Tina Yoo Clinton (D)
County Criminal Court No. 9: Hon. Peggy Hoffman (D)
County Criminal Court No. 10: Hon. Rob Canas (D)
County Criminal Court No. 11: Melodee Armstrong (D), Shequitta Kelly (D)
County Probate Court No. 2: Ingrid Michelle Warren (D), Hon. Chris Wilmoth (D)
County Probate Court No. 3: Hon. Michael E. Miller (D)
Fifth District Court of Appeals, Pl. 8: Bill Whitehill (R)
The Dallas Committee for a Qualified Judiciary is celebrating its 32nd year of providing useful, nonpartisan information that allows citizens to make informed voting choices. CQJ is composed of 97 members who are attorneys and business and civic leaders from all parts of Dallas County. More information about CQJ may be found at http://www.cqjdallas.org/.
For more information on the 2014 list of qualified Dallas judicial candidates, please contact Rudy Rodriguez at 972-431-1288, rrodri31 ( @ ) jcp dot com; Laura Benitez Geisler at 214-651-4200, laura.geisler ( @ ) lbglawfirm dot com; or Mike Androvett at 214-559-4630, mike@androvett.com.