Children's Hospital, Los Angeles 12th Annual Holiday CD And DVD Drive By Rock 'N Retail Music Marketing Company

Rock 'n Retail, LLC's 12th Annual CD/DVD/Merchandise holiday donation drive benifiting Children's Hospital Los Angeles is now underway.
12 years ago, Gale Rosenberg, President of Rock 'n Retail, LLC Music Marketing Company, recognized a simple need at Children's Hospital Los Angeles for CD's and DVD's.
"I became involved with Children's Hospital when my niece, Paige, was just 20 months old. She was experiencing ataxia and 'dancing eyes.' Her symptoms went undiagnosed at various hospitals. Once she was lucky enough to get a bed at Children's Hospital in L.A., she was immediately properly diagnosed with a Neuroblastoma.
If you would like to donate CD's, DVD's or other music related items, please email RockNRetail2001 ( @ ) cs dot com
Donations Must be Received by Friday, December 17, 2010
Get the whole story here:
Neuroblastomas comprise 15% of cancer deaths in children and generally manifest in children under the age of two. She was rushed into surgery, and her prognosis for survival was not good. The doctors said that if she did survive, her future would be compromised. They removed 16 lymph nodes and one adrenal gland.
Paige is truly a miracle; she just turned 14 years old, she is only one of a few children who have been off all medications for many years and she leads a completely normal, wonderful life.
While spending so many hours at the hospital I spoke with many young cancer patients, some that had not left the hospital in several years. Most all of them had personal CD players that had been donated, but they had only one or two CDs to idle away the time. Now, some of the rooms have DVD players in them as well." states Gale Rosenberg, President of Rock 'n Retail.
Over the years, Rock 'n Retail, LLC Music Marketing Company has collected over $100,000 worth of donated CDs and DVDs for Children's Hospital. This holiday season, with your generosity, Rock 'n Retail, LLC Music Marketing Company hopes to make this year's drive their best year ever.
Donation Deadline -
Donations Must be Received by Friday, December 17, 2010
In previous years, the Hospital's Holiday donation drive provided for patient Christmas gifts only; with other donation drives throughout the year providing gifts for other than the Holiday Season. With donations having dropped off significantly over the last few years, Children's Hospital now uses the Holiday donations for patient gifts year round.
With your help, Rock 'n Retail, LLC Music Marketing Company will be collecting donations to distribute to the patients at Children's Hospital.
If you would like to donate CD's, DVD's or other music related items, please email RockNRetail2001 ( @ ) cs dot com, let us know what you would like to donate (due to warehousing capacity) and we will get back to you with the mailing address dot
We will ask you to include with donation: Company name, contact person, phone and email address.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
About Rock 'n Retail, LLC & Web 'n Retail:
Rock 'n Retail, LLC is a music marketing company enjoying its' 20th Anniversary in 2011. The Company markets hard goods to retail store buyers and managers. Learn more at
Web 'n Retail is a division of Rock 'n Retail, LLC. The Company markets online hard goods and digital products via blogging, eBlasts, Viral Marketing and PR. Learn more at
Press Contact:
Gale Rosenberg