Call For NACF-SCRA Scientist Award 2017

In order to promote excellence in various fields of Science and Engineering Technology in the World, Scientific Communications Research Academy has instituted a scheme of awards for outstanding administration / research contributions to science , engineering and technology by academicians working in the related Disciplines.
- (1888PressRelease) November 15, 2016 - Category of Branches:
1] Computer Science, Computer Applications, Information Technology
2] Circuit branches in Engineering
3] Applied Sciences
Category of Awards:
1] Young Scientist Award
2] Best Faculty Award
3] Best Administration Award (Chairman, Dean, Director, Principal, Professor)
4] Best Institution Award
The award would be given for excellence achievements / research work done by young scientists working in the above Fields during the years preceding the year of award.Three expert panels, one for each of the three branches, shall be constituted by the SCRA for consideration of the nominations received. Nomination received for each branch would be placed before the concerned skilled panel for scrutinisation.
Every panel would include at least one expert from each of the disciplines from which nominations are received. The members of the panel would not be connected with the concerned research work of the nominee. The SCRA Chairman shall nominate a Chairperson from any of the members of the panel. Recommendations for awards might not be created by the concerned expert panel(s) if the research contributions of the nominees are not found to be of sufficiently high standard.
Chairman, Director, Secretary and Members of the Executive NACF and SCRA shall not be ordinarily eligible for nomination for NACF-SCRA Awards during their tenure. In case any of the above has appointed a candidate(s), shall not be a member of expert panels. A person can receive the NACF-SCRA AWARD in any category only once in the life time. The presentations of the Awards to the recipients will be made in a special function of the Academy ever year .
Nominees are requested to send us your updated resume along with one passport size photograph electronically with the category of application in subject line to; nacf.proposals ( @ ) gmail dot com at the earliest for the approval of the advisory board for nomination to the award.