California’s Leading Holistic Oncology Center for Pets

Top Quote Integrative Veterinarian Teams Up with Board-Certified Integrative Oncology Specialist to Enhance Cancer Treatment and Prevention. End Quote
  • Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) July 13, 2024 - Integrative Pet Wellness Center, California’s premier specialized integrative veterinary clinic owned and led by Dr. Lily Chen, is taking pet cancer care to new heights. Dr. Chen has partnered with Dr. Trina Hazzah, one of only four integrative veterinary oncologists in the U.S. and the sole practitioner in California. Together, their goal is to help oncology pets through advanced holistic therapies.

    While the clinic does not offer conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, it works closely with oncologists to enhance the effectiveness of these modalities through targeted integrative approaches. These include highly specialized therapies such as Microbiome Therapy, Mistletoe Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Cannabis Therapy, High-Dose IV Vitamin C Therapy, and Targeted Botanical and Herbal Therapies — cutting-edge treatments requiring advanced training not readily available elsewhere.

    “Our approach focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying imbalances and deficiencies that lead to the cancer state,” said Dr. Chen, the clinic’s lead veterinarian and owner. “While treating and slowing cancer progression is crucial, we also aim to restore the body’s natural balance to prevent the triggers that allowed the cancer to develop in the first place. This is a key piece often missed in conventional care.”

    Integrative Pet Wellness Center employs specialized testing to uncover these imbalances, treating cancer not as a foreign invader but as the body’s own cells that have mutated. By focusing on healing the triggers instead of attacking the body with more toxins, the clinic promotes true recovery and long-term health.

    “The best cure for cancer is prevention. Any pet can start a cancer prevention journey at any time,” said Dr. Chen. “With our integrative approach, we can support pets at any stage – prevention, active treatment enhancement, or palliative care.”

    Recent studies have found cancer rates as high as 1 in 3 dogs and 1 in 2.5 cats in their lifetime, with 90-95% of pet cancers being preventable through lifestyle choices. The clinic stresses the importance of starting cancer screening and prevention strategies in pets as early as 5-7 years of age.

    For more information about Integrative Pet Wellness Center’s holistic approach to pet oncology and care, visit or call or text (213) 316-6886.

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