

Top Quote Test results prove positive that ECoS3 with Pulse can provide clean, potable water at production level scale. E3 will work with local authorities to develop planning for application in agriculture during the California drought. End Quote
    Quote While our approach for this demonstration was focused on producing potable water, our ECoS3 platform is a scalable solution for processing water used in fracking, mining operations and geothermal applications. In addition, we are able to clean up polluted water due to chemical spills or other contamination. Our production units will treat between 600 to 1,000 gallons per minute of contaminated water or nearly 1.5 million gallons per day. Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) October 03, 2014 - E3 Services and Solutions Inc. ( held a press conference yesterday at its west coast R&D Center in Pacheco, California announcing the company's development of water treatment and reclamation technologies for the residential and commercial customers as well as the mining and oil & gas industries.

    Over forty people were in attendance and included local political representatives, investors, news and community sponsors. During the conference, E3 demonstrated the ECoS3 with Pulse product. The live demonstration involved securing water from Martinez Bay, processing the water through ECoS3 with Pulse and serving the finished water to guests.

    Participants were encouraged to test and taste the difference between the mineral water on hand and E3's treated product. In a nearly unanimous result, participants preferred the Martinez Bay water that had been treated by the ECoS3 system with Pulse.

    Mark A. Skoda, CEO of E3 stated, "We demonstrated our production level product and encouraged our guests to taste the water. After some initial resistance, everyone joined in and found the result to be excellent. While we were able to create a high quality drinking water, it was our test results that demonstrated the remarkable result of our system."

    The test results were as follows and are indicated in parts per million (PPM) - BEFORE/AFTER:
    Aquatic bacteria/Pathogen: 1200/2
    Petroleum Hydrocarbons, (oil, diesel, gasoline): 79/Non detectable
    Suspended Solids (microorganisms, silt, sand): 16.7/Non detectable
    Total Dissolved Solids (with Pulse): 16,000/1,600

    Dr. Michael Green commented, "While our approach for this demonstration was focused on producing potable water, our ECoS3 platform is a scalable solution for processing water used in fracking, mining operations and geothermal applications. In addition, we are able to clean up polluted water due to chemical spills or other contamination. Our production units will treat between 600 to 1,000 gallons per minute of contaminated water or nearly 1.5 million gallons per day."

    E3 also presented to the Martinez City Council and Mayor's office at their open meeting. During the public comment period, E3's chairman, Talbott Howard, thanked the city and its representatives for supporting the press conference and their respective attendance. He also announced a proposed effort to establish a water production effort using E3's technology while also employing several of our veterans in the effort. Water would be produced from the Martinez Bay and sold to local farmers.

    Talbott Howard, Founder and Chairman went on to say that, "We are so pleased to have the community support here in Contra Costa County and the city of Martinez. Our offer to assist local farmers and veterans in producing water for irrigation is a model we would like to replicate through our community based strategy and challenge brand, Go Heroic. Over the coming days, we will work with local leaders to evaluate the viability of our proposal and establish a go forward plan."

    About E3 Services and Solutions LLC
    E3 Services & Solutions ( is a global green technology company focusing on energy, the environment and economic benefit for our clients, shareholders and the community at large. E3 embraces the philosophy of natural capitalism in which business and environmental interests increasingly overlap, and in which businesses can better satisfy their customers' needs, increase profits, and help solve environmental problems all at the same time.

    Our technology spans water remediation and cleanup for the oil & gas, mining and geothermal industries; harvesting technologies for algae feed stock production; environmentally friendly lubricants and technologies for industrial, automotive and consumer markets; alternative fuel and energy production technologies; and environmental design & engineering.

    E3 employs Environmentally Conscious Technologies and certifies those technologies through our .ECT compliance program.

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