Breast Cancer Survivors Change Direction of Cancer Journey

Top Quote Breast Cancer Registry Brings New Insights About the Importance of Psychosocial Support. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) September 21, 2010 - More than 2,000 breast cancer survivors have joined together to participate in the Breast Cancer M.A.P. (Mind Affects the Physical) Project - a novel research program that has the potential to reshape the standard of care for breast cancer survivors.

    Now survivors who have struggled through their breast cancer diagnosis and treatment have the opportunity to make their voices heard by answering questions to help researchers better understand the distress people experience due to breast cancer. This ongoing study, referred to as the M.A.P. Project, initiated by the Cancer Support Community's Research and Training Institute, will collect critical information about the short- and long-term impact of breast cancer on the social and emotional needs of survivors.

    "Each year, patients and advocates set aside the month of October to raise awareness and research funds for breast cancer. Now, through the M.A.P. Project, participants can be part of the research by helping us better understand the important role that social and emotional support plays in the healing process," said Joanne Buzaglo, Ph.D., senior director of research at the Research and Training Institute of the Cancer Support Community.

    Early research has already shown that providing social and emotional support to breast cancer patients can essentially give cancer treatment a "power-boost" as experts believe there is a link between emotional support, education, and health outcomes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) firmly established the need to better understand and improve the social and emotional needs of breast cancer survivors through a series of evidence-based reports. In 2007, the IOM asserted that offering social and emotional support is critical to treating cancer effectively.

    Additionally, a study previously published in the journal "Cancer" provided evidence that emotional support improved psychological and behavioral outcomes among breast cancer patients, and may also increase their chance of survival, decrease their risk for recurrence, and decrease their risk of dying from other conditions.

    "We applaud the women who have already signed-up to participate in the M.A.P. Project," said Barbara L. Andersen, Ph.D., professor, department of psychology, Ohio State University. "As the Registry continues to grow, so will our understanding of the resources that should be integrated into the standard breast cancer care for all patients."

    With every new survivor who joins the M.A.P. Project, researchers move one step closer to improving care for future generations of those diagnosed with the disease. Breast cancer survivors can visit or call 1-888-MAP-CSC9 (1-888-627-2729) to sign up. Oncologists, primary care physicians and oncology social workers interested in learning more about the registry should visit the website for more information.

    About the Cancer Survivor Registry Breast Cancer M.A.P. Project
    The Cancer Survivor Registry's Breast Cancer M.A.P. (Mind Affects the Physical) Project is a movement to identify and address the emotional and social needs that accompany a breast cancer diagnosis. By joining this first-of-its-kind registry and sharing their breast cancer experience, participants have a unique opportunity to help researchers better understand the full impact of breast cancer and ultimately discover innovative ways to improve the cancer journey for millions. Initiated by the Cancer Support Community's Research and Training Institute, the M.A.P. Project is made possible through a generous grant from The Breast Cancer Fund of National Philanthropic Trust.

    About the Research and Training Institute at the Cancer Support Community
    The Cancer Support Community's Research and Training Institute examines the critical role of social and emotional support for those living with cancer and studies the distinctive needs of survivors and caregivers throughout each phase of the cancer experience, as well as post treatment. Focused on research and education, this vibrant resource enables the Cancer Support Community to conduct peer-reviewed research, sponsor patient and caregiver forums, host retreats and direct state-of-the-art training programs for health care professionals.

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