Parkway Cancer Centre ("PCC") will be launching a series of activities leading up to Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March to raise awareness for the number one cancer in Singapore.
Brand Incorporated ("Brand Inc." or the "Group") conceptualised and created unique public relations campaigns for clients in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (also known as Pink Ribbon Month) in October.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Singapore. It affects 1 in 17 women and the risk of developing breast cancer increases with age1.
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness 2011 in Singapore by Breast Cancer Foundation ("BCF"), Croyez Studio, the first and largest fitness studio in Asia that offers group Power PlateŽ workouts, pledges to donate $5 for BCF's yearly Pink Ribbon project for each customer who wears pink socks.
The Ultimate Ramen Champion 2011 is the latest addition to Singapore's F&B scene. It features six of the best Ramen restaurants from four major cities in Japan to compete for the title of the ULTIMATE RAMEN CHAMPION 2011 ("URC 2011") SINGAPORE.