BioLabShare, LLC is developing a coliving coworker biotech/life sciences/health tech hub located in Huntsville, Alabama. In order to accomplish that goal the company has embarked on its $3,000,0000 seed funding campaign in associated with Savvy Social. Savvy Social assists firms in reaching their equity fund raising goals by bringing together investors with entrepreneurs.
BioLabShare, LLC has commenced a $3,000,000 seed funding campaign in coordination with Savvy Social Management Corp. (DBA Savvy Social). BioLabShare, ...
Dr. Anton Dormer has the vision for creating a thriving innovation workforce development center for technology entrepreneurs in the North Alabama region. The diversity tech hub will consist of a 100,000SF facility that includes a bioincubator and manufacturing capacity, an apartment complex, and hotel and tech conference center creating vibrant economic and employment opportunities.
Dr. Anton Dormer has this statement which drives him to complete this innovative project.
"If Elon Musk can dream of building habitats througho ...
BioLabShare, LLC plans to build a bioreseasrch wet lab and a residential complex on several acres it will lease from Dormerville Properties, LLC in Huntsville, Alabama. BioLabShare, LLC focuses on creating a co-working and co-living space for bioentrepreneurs. The company plans to partner with Alabama A&M University and Oakwood University to promote bioresearch with those HBCU institutions.
In May 2022, BioLabShare LLC will lease several acres from Dormerville Properties, LLC to commence the development of a coliving and a coworking bioin ...