
Bill White, Retired Intrepid President, Rejoins Intrepid Relief Fund

Top Quote Bill White and the Intrepid Relief Fund is dedicated to supporting the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and their families. The Intrepid Relief Fund's principal project is Operation Mend. Bill White's work with Operation Mend and the history of the program was featured in an issue of Marines Magazine. Read more. End Quote
    Quote Bill White has dedicated his career to honoring and supporting our nations military personnel, veterans and their families. Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) March 14, 2011 - New York, NY - Bill White, retired President of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum will be proudly serving as a member of the Intrepid Relief Fund. The announcement of Bill White's return came earlier this week following an announcement in early February that Bill White had also been recently voted onto the Board of Trustees of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.

    Given Bill White's extensive and successful history with the Intrepid family of foundations his return to both the Intrepid Relief Fund and the Board of Trustees of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, will be of great benefit to the Intrepid mission. Bill White previously served as President of the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Intrepid Relief Fund and the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum before retiring from the Museum in 2010.

    While serving as President of the Intrepid family of foundations and lead director at their sister organizations, Bill led its fund raising totaling more than $600 million. He managed operations, management, strategic planning and branding for the Intrepid Foundations, leading a team of over 250 professionals and thousands of volunteer personnel over the years. Bill White spearheaded the $115 million capital Campaign for the 2006-08 restoration of the museum, building the Intrepid brand to an internationally respected one.

    The response from the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund website to Bill White's February 2011 return, "We are also happy to announce that Bill White has rejoined the Fund's Board of Trustees. For almost two decades Bill has been one of our nation's greatest champions for those who have served in our military and we are pleased to welcome him back." Noted military philanthropist, Winston Fisher serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Intrepid Relief Fund, a noteworthy national charitable endeavor supporting troops and their families.

    Operated at UCLA Medical Center, Operation Mend is a unique initiative that provides returning service members with some of the country's best plastic and reconstructive surgery. The care is provided at no cost by leading plastic surgeons, while the Fund underwrites soldiers' transportation and lodging costs. Bill White's work with Operation Mend and the history of the Intrepid program was featured in an issue of Marines Magazine.

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    The Intrepid Relief Fund is part of the Intrepid family of non-profits that support the military and veterans community, including the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund and the Fisher House Foundation.

    About Bill White Intrepid Fund

    Bill White has dedicated his career to honoring and supporting our nation's military personnel, veterans and their families. Bill White retired after 20 years as President of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Under his leadership, The Intrepid Museum emerged as a world-class education attraction welcoming almost 1,000,000 visitors each year and featuring exciting exhibits like the British Airways Concorde. Under Bills leadership over $600 million has been raised for related charitable efforts. White is also a graduate of Fordham University and holds a Culinary Arts Degree from the French Culinary Institute. Bill White is currently Chairman and CEO of Constellations Group a NYC strategic communications consulting firm whose mission cornerstone is to advocate for causes important to our nation's military, veterans and their families.

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