
Retired U.S. Army Physician-Scientist B. Albertill Releases the 2nd Novel in his Historical Fiction Series. Beyond the d'Arc is now available

Top Quote Retired US Army physician-scientist, educationalist, science researcher, Christian literary apologist, historian without portfolio and modern-day Templar, B. Albertill has just published the 2nd novel in his 12-book historical fiction series The Lost Books of Benjamin. End Quote
    QuoteI trust readers will be as captivated by the intertwining current and historical journeys as I have had penning it.Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) July 18, 2024 - PARKERSBURG, W. Va - This latest installment, Beyond the d’Arc, is novel two of 12 in the Third Book of Benjamin and has just been released by SDP Publishing Solutions, LLC. Beyond the d’Arc officially kicks off an adventure within historical fiction that spans the next ten novels. This 2nd novel tells the thrilling story of Loni Peronne, a Defense Intelligence agent, who – while on vacation with her husband Mickey – stumbles onto the incredible. The pair crosses paths with terrorist, Haman the Amalekite, as he absconds with key components of the Relic of Power − the world’s most powerful weapon of mass destruction which has existed since biblical times. This dilemma, leading to a cornucopia of problems, links them into a bizarre time bridge – 600 years into France’s medieval past. For unclear reasons, that past has cripplingly gripped present-day Europe, revealing tidbits of gems that history books failed to record. Adding to this intrigue, Mickey Peronne and his trusted medical team discover that Loni’s psyche has unbreakably locked onto a 14th century French king. The compelling question remains: what happens tomorrow when yesterday’s secrets are revealed today?

    The uniqueness of Beyond the d’Arc is that for the first time in any presentation of Joan of Arc, on paper or film, the reader pierces the occlusive wooden doors of the Grande Salle at Castle Chinon. As the fly on the wall, the reader watches and hears Jehanne arguments and demonstrations slowly convince the Dauphin that she is indeed the Maid of Lorraine, leader of his French armies.

    Albertill explains, “I've traveled the entire route from Joan’s humble home to where she was burned alive at the stake. Through my eyes, you will see what I saw…what Joan saw as her life smoldered at a fiery end. My military, scientific, medical and theological experiences, both personal and professional, have shaped the narrative of The Lost Books of Benjamin series. As such, I am most excited to share Beyond the d’Arc with readers. I trust they will be as captivated by the intertwining current and historical journeys as I have had penning it.”

    To learn more, please visit SDP Publishing Solutions, LLC. Beyond the d’Arc was released in both paperback and Kindle versions and this much-anticipated book is available through SDP Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other major retailers.

    Having served in the military from the Vietnam era (1973) to his last posting in Afghanistan (2015), Albertill's expertise spans clinical, research and military operational medicine, chemical warfare and the history of military medicine. These underpinnings are the firedogs which scaffolds his captivating historical fiction. Albertill crafts compelling narratives that merge the past and present, drawing upon years of travel and residence throughout Europe, the African Mediterranean and the Near East.

    About B. Albertill – B. Albertill is the author of the 12-book historical fiction series, the Lost Books of Benjamin (LBoB). Albertill is a retired (2015) U.S. Army physician-scientist, educationalist, science researcher, Christian apologist, historian without portfolio and modern-day Christian Templar. He served in the military from Vietnam era (1973) to his last posting in Afghanistan (2014) and has worked in clinical, research and operational military medicine, the field of chemical warfare and in the history of military medicine. His writing is underpinned by a worldview defined by this professional education, military training and resulting personal experiences across the globe. Albertill writes historical fiction supported by a lifetime of travels/residencies throughout Europe, the African Mediterranean and the Levant.

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