
Beginning or enhancing a hosting server business

Top Quote This press release is to inform interested parties about which is a premium domain name. available for purchase. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) March 10, 2010 - The internet runs on a few technological principles. One of them is the communication network that runs through the globe. Yet another is the large number of hosting servers that hold the matter of the websites that are accessible on the internet.

    There are a number of companies that lease space on a Hosting Server to interested webmasters. The business is highly profitable as well as highly competitive.

    The Hosting Server bought by these companies is usually a highly advanced piece of technology and could be from Dell, IBM or another top notch company. The business of hosting is wholly connected with the World Wide Web. Much of the buying and selling of both web servers as well as web hosting is done online, either directly or indirectly.

    To conduct this business web companies use a domain name and website to advertise and sell their products to the world. In this business there are a few crucial components. One is the domain name - also known as the URL or web address. Another is the design and usability of the website. The third is the Search Engine Optimization and marketing practices of the company.

    Of the three choosing the right web address is the simplest component, even though it is the most effective. A memorable web address that makes you the owner of a particular product in the mind of the customer is enough to take you half the way.

    For firms that are looking to branch into web hosting or enhance their brand name with a generic top level domain - is on offer. The name has two key words of the hosting business demarcated by a hyphen. It is memorable and highly friendly to search engines. A good marketing plan could get you to the top of search engine results for the search phrase (Hosting Server) within a relatively short time.

    Typing in "hosting server" in a search engine like Google yields 29,200,000 results mostly for Dedicated Servers - the most profitable area of the hosting server business. There are over a half million monthly searches on Google alone for this phrase. Owning a generic domain that is memorable and SEO friendly is a great advantage. If you wish to own this domain, please contact domainsale ( @ ) hosting-server dot org

    The hyphen in between the two words works as a separator and is advantageous for search engine ranking. In the era when non-profit hosting is becoming popular, this domain name is a great one to have for a non-profit hosting firm. In addition the domain can also serve as a resource base on the business of hosting servers perhaps supporting a larger hosting concern.

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