Baskerville Publishers New Release The Red Sea, Poetry by Stephen Edgar

Top Quote New and selected poems by award winning Australian poet Stephen Edgar. This is the first book of Mr. Edgar's poetry to be released in the United States. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) July 12, 2012 - Clive James says of Edgar's poetry, "Here is the poetry of someone who has been granted all the gifts, including a sense of proportion so concentrated that it sings." James was so taken with the poetry that he flew to Australia to meet and talk with him. Despite such acclaim, Edgar's work is not widely known because, heretofore, he has been published only in Australia, his home. Baskerville Publishers is pleased to initiate the correction of this deficit. (Please note that we have chosen to retain Australian usages.)

    These poems cohere because they are rich in physical and historical fact, their scaffolding is as of steel, and their music rises from a lyricism precise and generous. A craftsman, yes. New classicist, yes. This is magisterial poetry.

    Stephen Edgar was born in Sydney, Australia. He has published seven collections of poetry in Australia. "What is most immediately distinctive about him, certainly among poets of his generation, is his commitment to formal verse and for showing considerable panache in handling it." (Kevin Hart, Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry) Among his awards are the Grace Leven Poetry Prize (2003), the Peter Porter Poetry Prize (2005) and the Philip Hodgins Memorial Medal for excellence in literature (2006).

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