BACK TO FRONT by Janet Ollerenshaw is published

BACK TO FRONT is the third novel in Turning series.
- (1888PressRelease) June 03, 2018 - ISBN #978-1944156633
Third novel in Turning series entitled BACK TO FRONT by Janet Ollerenshaw is published
About the Book:
Old Bess, young Bess, Elizabeth, Lizzie... are we at the beginning or the end? In a Back to Front and roundabout way, Bess tells the story of how her paths have crossed and sometimes run alongside those of the people she has been sent to guide and support. As her personal story unfolds we learn that she has not just one path but many and that chronological time is irrelevant when it comes to spiritual guidance and purpose.
Although Back to Front can be read alone, through Bess’ story we are able to ‘join up the dots’ with some of the characters that peopled Inside Out and Upside Down. Bess is the swan sailing serenely across the water, while her coronet wings protect her young charges and her webbed feet paddle furiously beneath the surface.
About the Author:
Janet Ollerenshaw is a retired English & Music teacher and mother of seven children. She has lived in Hertfordshire for most of her life and has been involved with Scouting, animals and arts and crafts alongside her teaching career. She writes for pleasure and enjoys word-craft, so her writing can be prosaic at times as she feels the experience of reading should be more than just a good story, rather like a fine wine, which touches senses other than simply taste and satisfaction and which lasts the test of time.
Janet has a Masters in Educational Research from Cambridge and studied with the Open University for her first Degree in Humanities with Music and English Language. She does seasonal work as an exam marker for Edexcel and for the Cambridge International Exam board.
Excerpt from BACK TO FRONT:
“I heard the singing of the lines long before I saw the flash of sunshine on metal. So engrossed was I in the tune in my head and the beetle that was slowly making its way across the tracks, that the express train was thundering towards me before I registered the potential danger I was in. A strong hand grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and I was jerked rudely to my feet and flung across the platform. I landed unceremoniously on my backside and thwacked my head against a metal bollard designed to keep people back from the edge of the platform. Dazed and stunned I sat myself up and found myself gazing into the eyes of none other than Emily Amelia. She stared solemnly and offered her hand to raise me to my feet, “Bess,” she breathed, “how nice to see you!”
And that was the second time she saved me...”
BACK TO FRONT is now available in paperback and can be ordered from Amazon at:
This novel is also available to download as an e-book from Amazon at:
Press/Media Contact Details:
Janet Ollerenshaw’s Literary Agent:
Darin Jewell, Managing Director, The Inspira Group Literary Agency, 5 Bradley Road, Enfield, England EN3 6ES
Tel. UK +208 292 5163
E-mail: darin ( @ ) theinspiragroup dot com