AsiaPay Launches New Hosted 3D Secure ACS Service for Banks

AsiaPay launches newly 3-D Secure Access Control Server (ACS) hosted solution service for banks. This secure managed service enables issuing banks participated in Visa, MasterCard and JCB 3-D Secure Program to offer its cardholders the 3D-Secure protection and to save considerable system setup investment and system administration operation overheads.
- (1888PressRelease) February 14, 2015 - HONG KONG - AsiaPay Technology, the ePayment technology arm of AsiaPay, focusing on innovative payment technologies and services across Asia-Pacific, launches its newly certified 3-D Secure Access Control Server (ACS) managed service for issuing banks after launching the ACS solution in earlier years.
The new service enables issuing banks collaborating with Visa, MasterCard and JCB 3-D Secure Program to add additional layer of authentication security for their cardholders when making online and mobile card payment transactions, minimizing chargeback and fraud risks.
With AsiaPay's highly scalable and high-performance access control server (ACS) hosted service, banks are able to authenticate their cardholders by the static password defined by cardholders or by system generated dynamic one-time password (OTPs) during online shopping. It supports sending OTP by email and SMS as well as generating OTP by mobile app. This secure user-friendly payment authentication mechanism significantly reduces the chargeback and fraud possibility for online transactions.
Furthermore, new hosted 3D Secure ACS service provides a variety of controls and online customizable reporting for issuing banks to view online or download, effectively manage the cardholder 3D secure registration, cardholder 3D secure status maintenance, 3D secure payment processing, etc.
Certified with Verified by VISA, MasterCard SecureCode, JCB J/Secure and soon for American Express SafeKey. The system is expandable to support multi-lingual interface for authentication pages and internal administration tools, as well as other special card products to meet the needs of banks and consumers in Asia.
The new ACS service is being offered either as an online service, white-labelled hosted service, or as a total solution license model.
Key features are:
* Static password and one time password (OTP) authentication implementation
* Certified with Verified by VISA, MasterCard SecureCode, JCB J/Secure
* Strong key management and encryption function
* Responsive web design for authentication in web and mobile browsers
* Powerful and user-friendly web administration tool for bank operators
* User access control with audit trails
* Competitive tiered pricing package based on card base size
* Local support in 12 countries in Asia
AsiaPay operates the ACS service at its advanced secure PCIDSS-compliant hosting environment at upgraded data centers, and provides bank clients with 7x24 technical service support.
"We have extensive experience and expertise in providing advanced and cost-effective ePayment solutions and hosted services to leading banks across Asia including Payment Gateway Solution (PayGate), 3-D Secure MPI and 3-D Secure ACS solutions," stated Joseph Chan, CEO and Founder of AsiaPay Group, "Along the ePayment market grows in Asia and beyond, we will continue to innovate and offer advanced ePayment solutions and technologies to meet the needs of the ever-changing market."