Annual Summary Progress Report of Newmont Canada Corporation for the Bullion / Tak Property

This report covers the Year 1 exploration activities conducted on the Tak property. The bulk of exploration conducted thus far is related to acquisition and processing of airborne magnetics and radiometrics data.
- (1888PressRelease) April 25, 2012 - The objective of the survey was to have a detailed airborne geophysical dataset to aid geological mapping, structural interpretation, and mineral target identification. The data were acquired using a combination of inhouse software and commercially-available sensors.
The survey covered approximately 230 km2. A total of 2,451 line-km of data including tie lines were acquired, along survey lines oriented east-west and spaced 100 meters apart. The airborne magnetics data delineate three large areas of positive magnetic response for which Newmont expects to follow-up in 2012. These areas include two to the south and southeast of the Rodeo claims in the eastern part of the Tak claim block and one area nearest the Woodjam property in the extreme northwest corner of the property. The follow-up will entail using a combination of geologic, geophysical, and geochemical methods to evaluate the magnetic anomalies through cover.