Fighting entrenched, well-funded special interest groups is never easy, but the common sense message of America's Medical Society has appealed to community doctors nationwide--and the group shows no signs of relenting despite malicious attacks against its website.
Healthcare reform legislation can only be successful if its authors are primarily physicians; 85% of America's physicians choose not to be members of the AMA, and they support America's Medical Society in opposing Obamacare. Lawyers, politicians, and government-paid organizations like the AMA failed in 2010. Now it's time to let healthcare professionals re-write a workable reform law.
Behind-the-scenes deal making by health systems, government agencies, and the makers of electronic record systems will prove the death knell for patient safety and consumer protections.
This upcoming weekend, the American Medical Association will hold a vote to consider withdrawing its support for the 'individual mandate' component of the new health care reform law. The AMA's detractors, who vehemently opposed the AMA's support for Obamacare in the first place, are calling for the doctors' group to fully repudiate the seriously flawed legislation.