Alternative Country Group Soles Of Passion Release Their Acclaimed Debut Album 'Bump Me Up'

Soles Of Passion Is An Alternative Country Band With A Mission. The Duo, Composed Of Myla Snow And Steven Wolfe, Create Country Music About America Today.
- New York, NY (1888PressRelease) May 11, 2012 - Soles of Passion is an alternative country band with a mission. The duo, composed of Myla Snow and Steven Wolfe, create country music about America and put it into context with the current socioeconomic climate of the country. Their songs on their just release debut album "BUMP ME UP" are full of hope and sympathize with Americans who have suffered economic hardships from the recession and faced foreclosure by merciless banks. Soles of Passion send an important message through electrifying political rock songs that is upbeat, honest and easy to dance to. There are no alternative country artists that create political rock songs quite like Soles of Passion. The country music about America they create inspires people who are in the process of losing, or have already lost their homes to fight back. The Freedom Assistance Foundation (FAF) was created by Soles of Passion to help those people take action.
The FAF is a non-profit organization that sets Soles of Passion apart from other alternative country artists. Their political rock songs and country music about America work towards something important - not just a provoking sound, but a cause. Myla and Steven have made it their mission to secure relationships with a network of attorneys to help those stricken by foreclosure. The FAF offers applications for monetary grants made possible by Soles of Passion's contributions and others who have joined their groundbreaking movement.
One of Soles of Passion's most exhilarating political rock songs is "Got Me Surrounded." It's country music about America that shows how political and financial deception was the cause of the collapsed economy and so much despair. It's also about hope for a better day in such instances when Myla belts out with her fiery voice, "Revolution here to see it's over now, don't tread on me." The forthcoming music video for "Got Me Surrounded" by these alternative country artists depicts the shocking reality of corruption spurred by the morally bankrupt financial institution's greed, and its effects on Americans. Real footage, both unsettling and powerful, shows the harsh truth about how people have to live once they're kicked out of their homes and onto the streets like animals.
The new video by the alternative country artists also shows Myla's and Steven's skills as lively musicians. Myla, with jet black hair, a bowler hat and long legs, controls a raspy forceful voice that not even the merciless financial institutions would dare to cross. Her gestures and utterances give the political rock songs written by her and Steven a breath of life while Steven's instrumentals give them a unique and catchy flow. Their country music about America is not only politically correct, but invigorating. Steven picks away at the guitar and strums the bass resolutely, intent on advancing the Soles of Passion's music and mission. He's a skillful instrumentalist and lyricist who stands tall and proud of the cause he represents.
Soles of Passion are one of few alternative country bands that can enliven as well as enlighten listeners with their political rock songs. They create political rock songs while keeping their mission ahead of everything else. The music they create is a product of their efforts to aid fellow Americans who have lost their homes to corrupt financial institutions. This is why their political rock songs can't be coined as just music. Soles of Passion is music with a mission.
Mila and Steven are alternative country artists as well as humanitarians. In addition to creating country music about America and spreading awareness of crooked institutions as Soles of Passion, they help those who face foreclosure with the FAF. Their political rock songs represent something more than backwards politics as usual. They represent the idea that Americans are more powerful than the institutions that kicked them into the street. Their political rock songs inspire people to fight back and join their cause to resurrect the American's right to economic fairness. They are alternative country artists who are one of a kind. Not only have these alternative country artists created a unique band, but they have taken an initiative to grow the idea that Soles of Passion represents with the FAF. The FAF turns Soles of Passion into something greater than a band that creates political rock songs. It turns Soles of Passion into a band that is truly passionate about the words they write and empower with harmony. The Soles Of Passion album is available on iTUNES:
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