Alchemy Viral Chooses to Support ETC Charity, Educating the Children

Alchemy Viral will support the charity through both financial support & Web Search Optimisation, increasing the charity's online visibility & number of web donations.
- (1888PressRelease) August 17, 2012 - Alchemy Viral*,, is Europe's leading Web Search Optimisation agency operating internationally. The company is based in Virginia Woolf's house, in central Richmond. After considering various charities Alchemy Viral (AV) has chosen to support Educating the Children**,, a charity that fights for education for children in the Masai Mara, and against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and enforced childhood marriages.
Educating the Children, ETC, is a UK based charity focused on educating and empowering children in the Masai Mara, Kenya. It was set up following a visit by one of the founders to the region, when she was shocked to see the large numbers of children in classrooms, the lack of teachers, how education was being denied to many of secondary school age, and how many girls were having to endure FGM and childhood marriages, even from the age of 8.
Despite its notoriety as a tourist destination for wildlife expeditions, the Masai Mara population is neglected due to its isolated position. One of the projects that Andreas Voniaits, the Managing Director of Alchemy Viral, is particularly interested in and where the donations will be channelled in the building of a secondary school for girls.
"I have great sympathy with the aims of ETC. My daughter is just 3 months old. Like every parent in every country I have high hopes for her. I can't imagine her being denied an education, or even worse being a victim of enforced marriage or FGM. " Andreas Voniatis, Director Alchemy Viral.
Andreas is taking his support of the charity very seriously:
"I want to spread the word about the charity's work. We will be quite overt in our support of ETC to all of the people we communicate with, be it by email, our website, or corporate activities. We are also supporting the charity with what we do best
raising their profile on the web. We have already created a Facebook page for the charity and added a link to our Facebook page. We are Tweeting regularly about ETC and teaching them also the importance of regular publishing and how to earn coverage across the web" Andreas Voniatis
Sonal Kadchha, co-founder of ETC, is delighted to have the backing of Alchemy Viral:
"I'm very pleased that Andreas has come on board to support ETC - not only is he contributing financially but his help in increasing our online presence is invaluable given the importance of social media in the world today".
Andreas will be travelling to the Masai Mara to see how his support will be making a difference to the new secondary school for girls. He was excited to learn this week that one of the classrooms will be named after his daughter, Julia.
*Alchemy Viral was founded in 2007. The company started out servicing small enterprises and now works with major digital agencies in the UK, Germany and Australia, working for major brands and publicly quoted companies. It is fast becoming one of Europe's leading multilingual web search media publishing firms providing safe and ethical web search optimisation for their clients. It is the only firm in the UK that gears its practices and measures of success beyond the search engines such as Google and Bing. It uses other unique methods to find potential customers and drive them to the target website, bringing more visitors and hence business to clients. Clients are delighted with the results. The team also has the advantage of speaking a number of languages including, French, German, Swedish and Russian, to name but a few.
**Further background from
An educated girl with an income in a developing country reinvests 90% of her earnings in her family; a boy... 35%
In developing countries, an extra year of primary school will boost a girl's income 10%; an extra year of secondary... 25%
An educated girl will marry later and have fewer children. Her country's HIV/Aids rate will decline, malnutrition will decline, her country's economy will improve
In spite of the importance of educating girls around the world, 99.4% of international aid money is not directed to girls. For every aid dollar spent, only 2 cents goes toward helping girls.
Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage, and The Masai:
The United Nations estimates that 90% of Masai girls in Kenya are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced childhood marriage. Among the Masais, FGM is the complete removal of the clitoris and labia under unsterile conditions with a razor blade, no anaesthesia, no protection from infections (tetanus, HIV/AIDs), and high risk of immediate death due to blood loss and shock.
Girls that have undergone female genital mutilation are prone to chronic urinary tract infections throughout their lifetime, often leading to kidney failure.
Because of scarring and keloids, childbirth can be life threatening to a woman that has undergone female genital mutilation.
The marriageable age for Masai girls has fallen to 8 to 9 years old because of the economic challenges facing her family.