National virtual symposium on September 14 available at no cost; world experts to discuss the vital link between employment and recovery from addiction. Secretary Walsh to serve as keynote speaker.
Advocates for Human Potential has yet again been named a Great Place to Work, based on employee surveys and certified by the national company Great Places to Work.
Jails and prisons have become de facto detox centers but most lack withdrawal treatments, so inmates are dying. There is a better way, and it is featured in the film as being implemented in Louisville, KY, and Essex County, MA.
Summit announces key speakers and topics, including top names in cannabis research, public health, policy, regulation, health equity, education, science, and public safety.
Dan Adams, Boston Globe cannabis expert and author of the acclaimed This Week in Weed newsletter, will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the upcoming 2019 North American Cannabis Summit in Los Angeles, CA, from January 28 to 30.