- Acquaint Softtech Private Limited Company News Section

Acquaint Softtech Private Limited Press Release -

  • Saving $0.39 Million Annually: Acquaint Softtech’s Value for Tryko Technologies
  • Tryko achieves impressive annual savings of $0.39 million through strategic collaboration with Acquaint Softtech, highlighting their expertise in cost-effective IT solutions.
  • In a landmark partnership, Tryko Technologies, a leading player in the Philippines, has achieved significant annual savings of $0.39 million. This was ...
  • September 12, 2024
  • PinPoint & it’s journey to save $2,57,280 in development costs
  • Pinpoint leverages Acquaint Softtech's IT staff augmentation for cost savings and efficient eCommerce development.
  • In one of the most amazing representations of what value strategic partnerships can bring, Pinpoint is rumored to have been saving significantly by pa ...
  • August 30, 2024
  • SuperFi Achieves An Impressive Feat - Saves $0.26 Million with Acquaint Softtech
  • SuperFi partners with Acquaint Softtech, achieving savings of $0.26M through efficient development and innovative solutions, showcasing the value of strategic IT outsourcing.
  • Acquaint Softtech helped a Fintech firm achieve substantial cost savings of $0.26 million. The firm SuperFi achieved this through strategic outsourcin ...
  • August 23, 2024
  • Acquaint Softtech: An outsourcing partner who helped SMEs save millions
  • SMEs saved billions by partnering with an outsourced software development company Acquaint Softtech. Read the whole piece to know more!
  • In today's competitive economic climate, startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face ongoing challenges to control costs while boosting ...
  • August 08, 2024