A Tribute To Our Veterans: How They Cope, Heal and Continue To Make A Difference

This Thursday's 'Your Life After Trauma' will have special guests who have served or currently serve our military veterans in honor of the 'Veteran's Day Tribute' show. The show airs Thursdays from 7-8pm EST on Seaview Radio.
- West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, FL (1888PressRelease) November 10, 2011 - In a special tribute to our veterans, this week's episode highlights their challenges, coping skills and how they use their post-military experiences to continue to provide service to our country. This week on 'Your Life After Trauma' we will have special guests Kevin Taylor from Hope4Vets, Dr. Alberto Fernandez-Milo, the Director of Mental Health at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center, and David Johnson, President, CEO & Board Member of Armedzilla, all who have served or currently serve our military veterans. The show airs Thursday, November 3rd at 7pm EST, on Seaview Radio (95.9AM/106.9FM/960AM) and streams online at http://www.yourlifeaftertrauma.com. Call in with your questions: 877.960.9960.
"The beauty of the military mind is how it perceives situations and calculates responses. What I continue to learn from the veterans I meet is how we can use experiences to grow, create and give back. Each of this week's guests has trauma in their history. And yet, they continue to build positive lives and community resources. That's the spirit I hope to share on this week's show," says Michele Rosenthal, host of Your Life After Trauma.
'Your Life After Trauma' brings weekly support and information to trauma survivors, plus their caregivers and healing professionals on Thursday nights from 7-8pm EST, on Seaview Radio (95.9AM/106.9FM/960AM) in southeast Florida (and streaming live online) (http://www.yourlifeaftertrauma.com). Your Life After Trauma provides resources, inspiration, hope and specific actions to help anyone learn to formulate a recovery plan, access healing potential and apply personal strengths to post-trauma recovery.
Featuring expert and survivor guests focused on topics related to the experience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and post-trauma life, 'Your Life After Trauma' future topics include:
· November 11th -- 'Veteran's Day Tribute'
· November 17th -- 'How To Use Social Media To Destress During The Holidays'
· November 24th -- 'How Trauma Affects the Brain'
· December 1st -- 'Overcoming Domestic Violence with Carre Otis'
Each show features a professional and personal perspective, plus spontaneous call-ins so that listeners can ask their questions, talk to an expert, and receive personal recommendations around specific issues.
For more information about 'Your Life After Trauma', visit:
For more information about The National Trauma and Addictive Disorders Conference visit:
This week's guests will be:
Kevin Taylor of Hope4PTSDVets, which was created as the result of the evolution of two other non-profit organizations. Both The "You Matter" Projectand QUANTUM "SELF" RECOVERY began as separate organizations, one dealing with homelessness and the other as a meditation based path to recovery for those suffering from addiction and various psychiatric diagnosis. After spending three years talking to homeless veterans on the street and understanding the role their combat service played in their current situation, it became painfully apparent what needed to be done. HOPE4PTSDVETS.ORG was created as a result of these experiences.
Our country is already experiencing the beginning of the consequences associated with fighting two wars over a 10 year period. Thousands of Veterans are returning from the battlefield after multiple tours. The number of pending PTSD cases with the VA is over 93,000 while over 91,000 claims have already been approved. These numbers do not come close to representing the number of Veterans who suffer from PTSD or a combat related disorder. If we do not act swiftly, completely, and compassionately, our prisons, mental institutions, and cemetaries will be full of soldiers who biggest mistake was volunteering to defend liberty.
Dr. Alberto Fernandez-Milo is the Chief of Mental Health & Behavioral Science Service at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center. Dr. Fernandez received his psychiatric training at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York City. This was followed by a staff assignment at Bellevue Hospital, part of NYU Medical Center in Manhattan. He then became Director of Psychiatric Emergency Services at Bellevue and organized the delivery of psychiatric emergency services following the events of September 11, 2001. He went on to become the Vice-Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn. In 2006, Dr. Fernandez became Director of the Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinic at Miami VA Healthcare System. This was followed by an appointment as Chief Medical Officer at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, DC.
David Johnson, President, CEO & Board Member of Armedzilla.
David was born in Saudi Arabia where his father was a principle defense liaison officer in foreign military sales with McDonnell Douglas and Hughes Aircraft. He spent his early years growing up in the Middle East and became fluent in Arabic. He enlisted in the Army soon after graduating from high school. After spending two years in the intelligence field, David transferred into Special Operations - 10th Special Forces Group, Ft. Carson, CO., and was assigned to a ten-man special operations team that was on the second plane into Iraq in early 2003, completing three combat tours.
Upon David's honorable discharge from the Army, he returned to Phoenix to attend Arizona State University, where he graduated in 2008. In 2009, he founded ArmedZilla to help solve one of the military's biggest challenges: to connect and support all veterans, their families and supporters. He realized the need for a network that would allow veterans to easily find and support one another. After searching for existing solutions, David discovered the needs of his community just weren't being met. A new solution was necessary, and that solution, in a word, was ArmedZilla.
What began as a simple website designed to connect veterans quickly garnered meaningful support from veterans, veteran service organizations, family, friends, global brands and local businesses. This ultimately grew into a greater mission: to create the largest military support initiative in American history.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a wholly treatable condition that results from a life-threatening experience in which the trauma survivor felt helpless. PTSD symptoms include insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbing, hyperarousal and hypervigilance.
For more information: www.yourlifeaftertrauma.com Contact: Michele ( @ ) yourlifeaftertrauma dot com, 561.531.1405.