A Sanoviv Nutrition Advisor, Rosie Bank, Releases Ebook -Feel Great Lose Weight - How to Achieve Optimal Health and Permanent Weight Loss

This book is for busy professionals and busy people who are fed up with dieting. Read this book if you want to feel better, look better, have more energy, and lose weight.
- San Francisco, CA (1888PressRelease) January 09, 2013 - Rosie Bank delivers solutions to her readers. If you are tired of dieting and want to learn a sane, safe, and simple way to lose weight, read this e-book. As a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, and with forty years in the health and wellness field, Rosie provides her readers with straight-forward how-to's. Her perspective is refreshing and highly informed. The only thing you have to lose by reading this book are those cravings and that extra weight you have been lugging around. Rosie will guide you to get off the dieting roller coaster, and to enjoy food that is much better for you.
This e-book spells relief to those millions of people who have struggled with their weight. Without judgment, calorie counting, or deprivation dieting, you can learn how to choose to be healthy with habits that will steer you and your body in the right direction. There is so much misinformation in the world of weight loss; finally, someone tells you like it is. The author, Rosie Bank, will lead you by the hand until you know you can live in your body with more joy, ease, happiness, and control.
The EBook is available through Rosie Bank's website.
Rosie's purpose in writing this book is to inform, inspire, and enlighten you to living in your body more happily, with more energy, and with a rosier future. Her sincere hope is that after you read this, you will be well on your way to feeling better, looking better, having better health and more energy, and experiencing what can become permanent weight loss without dieting. Rosie also wants to help you keep more of your money by learning to invest in your health. If you don't have a body, where will you live?
Optimizing your health and choosing the body in which you want to live is a journey. Rosie would like to go on that journey together with you. Rest assured: you don't have to become a health nut to experience much better health.
"Well, Rosie hit a home run with this eBook. I was blown away! I read it with interest, and far from feeling guilty, I felt that Rosie understood me, and was writing this to help me out of love, not judgment. This is not a "diet book" This is a book of discovery of where and how the struggles begin, and how they are perpetuated to keep us in a body we're not satisfied with. With much love and care, Rosie helps you understand what and how you can change on the inside to reflect what you want on the outside." - Ladd McNamara, M.D., Author, Cholesterol Conspiracy, San Diego, California
This excerpt has been created for you to sample the new book, Feel Great Lose Weight. To view this condensed version, please visit the Page "Feel Great Lose Weight" of Rosie's website.
Rosie Bank is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, a Certified Sanoviv Nutrition Advisor, and a seasoned practitioner in the health and wellness field. She has helped people live more successfully in their bodies since the mid-1970's. For thirty years she built a thriving practice, and lectured and taught all over the country and in Mexico. She wrote "Bodies, Health and Consciousness" and "Lessons in Embodiment". Rosie's love for speaking and facilitating groups and individuals has been the backdrop of her career for over thirty five years. She is a faculty member of the San Mateo Adult School where she teaches two classes: "Nutrition for Life" and "Thriving as an Entrepreneur in the New Economy".
Rosie is the creator of "Feel Great Lose Weight" and "Your Time, Your Health, and Your Money", two webinars that are offered to international audiences and to Rosie's clients and business associates. As an athlete and practitioner of yoga, Rosie understands the need to have our bodies work optimally. She is an avid water skier and bicyclist, a competitive long distance in-line skater, an instructor and practitioner of yoga since 1973, and someone who walks her talk every day by making her own health a priority. Rosie is an active member of Toastmasters International, speaks Spanish and French, and loves to travel the world.
Rosie Bank
rosie ( @ ) manifestingvision dot com