
A new site launched on tax matters

Top Quote For most Americans, taxes are their number one expense – usually exceeding payments for food, lodging, clothing and transportation together! Taxes, like death, are inevitable. But why pay more than you have to? End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) February 18, 2009 - As you enter the new world of full-time work force, you start enjoying paychecks and so does your partner – that is Uncle Sam. Getting your first job means becoming a full fledge taxpayer.

    There are many such firsts in life – your first insurance policy, your first home, your first investment and your first business venture! You take all these financial decisions in your life at some point. Do you always know the tax implications before taking these decisions?

    To the contrary, on most of the times, you find your hard earned money evaporating in taxes. You may pay huge sums to your tax consultant, but you are not happy about his ‘highly impersonal’ services. Finally, you give up with a sigh. You sign the return, pay the taxes and turn to your normal routine.

    Why Donate Your Money to IRS?

    You don’t have to be a tax professional to save on your taxes.

    Stop Donating Your Money to IRS is written to help you to save big money on your taxes. Released very recently, its useful for the tax year 2008. Everything is explained with the help of examples, pictures and no technical analysis involved.

    The book is written by Chintamani Abhyankar. He is internet marketer, tax professional and freelance writer doing a lot of research on tax systems and advising people internationally on various aspects of tax planning over 25 years.

    “Many people overlook the tax relief available to them, not realizing that they may be entitled to a considerable refund. In fact, you can keep your financial house in order by some easy and straightforward strategies. You can find many of them in this book.”

    The book is available on the website

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