A Digital Academic Magical Guide on Algorithms on Free-ebooks.net By Rosina S Khan

Top Quote This Algorithm guide is for undergraduate students in Computer Science or IT sector, which is lucidly crystal clear explained to them and helps to take them to the next level and master the art of programming. End Quote
  • Las Vegas, NV-AZ (1888PressRelease) January 06, 2024 - The academic eBook titled as, "The Magical Guide to Algorithm Analysis and Design" is authored by Rosina S Khan. It has been released on Jan 3, 2024 by the pioneering digital publisher, Free-ebooks.net in Nevada, USA.

    This guide is said to be magical because the very process of writing down a set of instructions in the form of pseudocodes before feeding them into program structures and executing them successfully to get program outputs is very magical indeed.

    This book is organized into 11 chapters:

    In Chapter 1, we introduce the concept of Algorithms and the fundamental questions about algorithms.

    Chapter 2 portrays the concept of Data Structures and their varieties such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues. Also, abstract data type and the advantages of abstract data trees are explained.

    In Chapter 3, we formally define an algorithm, introduce time and space complexities, the types of analyses of algorithms, and mathematical notations.

    Chapter 4 depicts searching algorithms such as linear search and binary search.
    In Chapter 5, we discuss the concept of trees both quadtrees and binary trees.

    Chapter 6 focuses on binary search trees- how to build and search them, how to sort using them, how to delete nodes from them, and we introduce B-trees.

    Chapter 7 deals with the various operations on binary heap trees.

    The next chapter, Chapter 8 concentrates on the various sorting techniques such as, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, and Heap sort and their algorithmic complexities as well.

    Chapter 9 goes on to explain graphs: the basic concepts, terminology used, representations, operations (Depth-First Search and Breadth First Search) and traversals.

    Chapter 10 talks about the concepts of spanning tree and minimum spanning tree and their applications.

    Chapter 11 is concerned with the theoretical aspects of various Algorithm Design Techniques such as, Divide and Conquer, Backtracking, Dynamic Programming and Greedy Methods.

    At the end of the guide, I cater to further free resources, which you will find both valuable and enjoyable.

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    About the Author:
    Rosina S Khan is a valued and skilled author of other interesting academic guides titled as, "The Dummies' Guide to Database Systems: An Assembly of Information”, “The Dummies’ Guide to Compiler Design”, and “The Dummies’ Guide to Software Engineering” as well as 21 short fiction stories on https://www.free-ebooks.net. She has also authored and self-published 17 self-help eBooks.

    You can find all the above eBooks in one place along with other free gem resources if you only care to visit her website:


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