One reason many people give for not utilizing a corporate branding service is that they fear the cost as well as losing control of what they feel represents their company. LicanBenko has taken that into consideration and created a pain free process for people to get public brand recognition for their products and services.
PR professionals Ave Montague and Cynthia Traina will give individuals, non-profits and small businesses an all-day crash course on do-it-yourself publicity on October 3, 2008 at the Museum of the African Diaspora.
Hole in one insurance provider, Hole In One International, is offering certificates for free golf bags for tournament organizers, directors and sponsors to distribute at golf events during the 2008 golf season.
Internet Copywriting and Conversion expert, Michael Morgan, stomps out ad writing illiteracy with Free Report. Beginning June 13, 2007, “Million Dollar Mike” shares his “secret weapon” for writing profit pulling emails, opt-in pages and salesletters at Magic Marketing Words.
What is it exactly, that gets billions of US Dollars to flow towards Pay Per Click advertising and specially towards Google Adwords, Yahoo and Microsoft adCenter. New and different Pay Per Click Pack launched in May 2007 making it possible to spend safely on Pay Per Click and have professional support for only US$ 195.00.