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  • Earth InfoSoft Opens New Office in Ranchi, Jharkhand
  • Earth InfoSoft, a growing Information Technology company, has opened a new regional office in Ranchi, Jharkhand. This location was chosen due to its diverse technology market and because it provides excellent access to any location in Jharkhand, Calcutta, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh as well as all of Bihar. The new office is located at Sector B-130, Dhurwa, Ranchi.
  • By Earth Group Services - November 05, 2010
  • Passion Communications Has Launched Its New Web Portal
  • Passcomms has developed and designed a new web Portal for herself and it is now well positioned for easy access by her clients and visitors. The site according to the Developer will be able to present its visitors with interactive features like chat rooms, advanced forums, advanced blogs, private messages, social networks integration, bookmarking features and services, news aggregators, rss etc.
  • By Passion Communications Ent. - October 26, 2010