Terry H., a middle school student from Milpitas Christian School, learned about a critical need to protect community frontline workers at the local food bank, Milpitas Food Pantry. After some online research, he adapted a face shield design and began printing it using his new 3D printer. He completed his first two face shields--less than 24 hours from the time he first heard about the need.
How do you educate children during the shelter-in-place orders? Teachers and staff at Milpitas Christian School (MCS) put their plans into practice by immediately shifting to remote learning. Not just with older students in Middle School (grades 6 through 8) but even younger children, too (starting from Transitional Kindergarten).
Fine Art Miracles is greatly expanding their services offered to St. Anthony School Programs after receiving a grant from Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust.
Tampa Bay Christian Academy in Tampa, Florida and and TELLibrary of Oklahoma are partnering to make dual-enrollment affordable, safe and attainable for students from diverse backgrounds - especially underserved and low-socio-economic backgrounds.
The free MackinVIA digital content management platform is recognized and awarded their highest honor giving Mackin their third consecutive award with MLA.
Arrow Montessori school, a renowned name when it comes to highly reputed school in CA, has updated its blog section with a new informative post. The school website is presenting a collection of instructive blog posts for viewers.
Mecca Design & Production constructed and installed a high-end news set complete with custom graphics and back wall set for Manestream Media at McKinney High School in Texas.
Sqoolz (www.sqoolz.com), country's fastest growing school discovery platform, has launched its redesigned portal. The redesign is not only a visual improvement over the previous site, but follows world-class user experience standards to help parents and admission seekers search and explore schools in their city. Sqoolz has also launched collections which are custom list of hand-picked schools in
The Kiski Area Bands is raising money to commission a piece of music as a memorial to one of their own, who passed away in a tragic accident this past June.
Adrienne Smith, two-time tackle football gold medalist and national champion, and CEO of Harlem Hip-Hop Tours, an entertainment company specializing in educational tours and workshops in New York City, has released Blitz Champz, a math card game based on the sport of football.
First published in 2004, this ground up initiative for the sector, by the sector, aims to unify practitioners caring for young children (from birth to 8 years old) in different settings. The Code of Ethics articulates the ethical standards that apply to professional conduct and inspires preschool educators to become role models for children, families, colleagues and members of the profession.
The new Ultra-Light Intelligent Charging Cart cart offers the flexibility to upgrade the capacity or charging in the future, should the user's requirements change. This cart is a lightweight, budget-friendly mobile charging solution for Chromebooks, notebooks, tablets, and more!