Reverend Lois Cheney, a highly talented psychic medium, natural empath and teacher returns home to Tucson, Arizona, the first week in May 2011. During the last several years she traveled extensively to counsel, teach and lecture. As a result of those experiences she brings exciting new energy and methods to her work.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt welcomes Nan Moss and David Corbin of The Shaman's Circle as part of series featuring guests from the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.
In a complimentary webinar on April 20th 2011 at 3:00pm EST, Kevin Connell business coach, author, and founder of Is inviting coaching extroadianre Kathy Eppley to help show you how to gain the clarity, confidence and certainty to help change your mindset.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about how spirits are teachers who help us to be better humans and why it is important for us to seek them out.
New Jersey Personal Trainer and Weight Loss Expert Carey Yang follows Jullian Michaels and Bob Harper and is becoming a certified Biggest Loser® Pro fitness trainer.
Adelphi's Office of Alumni Relations presented a panel discussion on March 23, entitled Women COACHing Women, which discussed how to be an effective woman professional and leader, as well as how to overcome obstacles to achieving this goal.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about the "trickster" - what it is, how we unwittingly cut it off, and how it can be one of our greatest teachers.
Dr. Norris has identified 7 lessons we must learn along the way to success. On this week's edition of the show, he explains those lessons in terms of post incarceration life.
Inspirational keynote speaker, best-selling author and life coach Hueina Su speaks on claiming peaceful power for self confidence, inner peace and unstoppable success at Empowerment Coaching Conference.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about how shamanic work helps heal our outer world by working with and healing our inner world, and vice versa.
Hypnotism Secrets Revealed is a website that is designed to provide clear information and reviews on hypnotism and self hypnosis. This website provides news and information from the work of two hypnotists.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt explores what someone should do if they feel the call to become a shaman and the three steps to becoming a shaman: the Call, Training, and Initiation.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt welcomes shamanic teacher Martha Lucier as part of series featuring guests from the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.
Good Terms, a new inspirational wall decal design company, has recently come out with a wonderful, sleek new product -- the Quotes Collection. This easy-to-use, safe, peel-and-stick wall decal set consists of famous, inspirational quotes from some of today's most well-known public figures and philosophers.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about shamanic healing in the 21st century - the options that are now available and the type of healing that comes about from engaging in a shamanic perspective.
Considering the safety of workers, Carhartt introduces an innovative range of Flame-Resistant clothing to be featured on WorkWear1, market leader in retail work clothing industry.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to guest Tom Pinkson about his Recognition Rites Program - a process that helps individuals create rituals to help them achieve fulfillment in life.
The Wise Women Rock Seminar, has its first appearance in Los Angeles on April 23, 2011! Designed to empower and educate, this seminar explores issues facing all women in these hectic times, such as self-esteem, weight management and relationships.
"Brain Salon," an audio program that uses specialized sounds to influence your brainwaves, and change your state of mind. It has been over 18 months in development, and is already receiving critical acclaim.
This new series of Brain Entrainment CD will allow you to experience High-Energy boosts; turbo-charge one's creativity; enjoy the best night's sleep; tap into total relaxation!
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt welcomes Annie Spencer as part of her series featuring guests from the Society of Shamanic Practitioners.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about what it means to take right action in this world where abuses of power are all too common.
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about the true nature of fear and how to allow fear to become our ally in order to bring our dreams into being.
SAFE International is the leading provider of mobile self defense/personal protection training in Ottawa, Canada. It currently operates throughout Ontario and has taught more than 120,000 clients in the private, corporate and high school environments since 1994.
Announcing a new Blog to help people to be more creative and innovative in their own way. Many of us don't think of ourselves as creative but we all are, and we can use our natural abilities to help us be more productive and competitive.