The Interdenominational Ministers Fellowship will install its new Executive Board members on January 15, 2014 at 11:45am at New Covenant Christian Church (DOC) on Osage Street in Nashville.
Anyone can now easily learn Reiki. Laiya Moniak, renowned Usui Reiki master and teacher demonstrates self-healing and meditation, a complete client session to re-balance mind and body, an attunement and long-distance healing in this Reiki DVD and online Reiki video.
Yhwh Elohim's rejection of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion through the eyes of the Jewish prophets, failure of Hegel's 'Elements of the Philosophy of Right,' flaws in Marx & Engels 'The Communist Manifesto,' discussions of the CIA's MKULTRA program, codes, remote viewing, and the failure of empiricism and the scientific method as a foundation of reason.
We are excited to announce that members of the Space Jam team will be at First Friday in Las Vegas, NV on Friday November 1st. We will be doing tons of giveaways at the Center Stage. The event is from 6pm-12am. Come out, support, and most importantly, have a great time with us. We want to say thank you to the The Lair VaporsSee you there!
The Classy home is one of the leading online shopping stores in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Recently The Classy Home has achieved a precious position in the Inc.500 communities.
Ms. Varad Kamini Arora, Head - Marketing Communications, Datamatics Global Services Ltd. (DGSL), was felicitated with the 'CMO Asia Award' in the category of the "Corporate Communication Professional of the Year".
One Small Child recently completed a professional photo shoot to help capture its christening gowns, accessories and gifts. The photos were published as part of an exciting presentation of the company's products in its Summer 2013 Christening Lookbook.
Under the aegis of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, the World's Biggest Book (28 ft x 18 ft) titled 'Prajapita Brahma - A Unique Life Secret' would be released. Simultaneously, a 7-day Indian Values And Cultural fair would be inaugurated by Rajyogi B. K. Brijmohanji - A.S.G, Brahmakumaris and Shri. Shyam Jajuji, National General Secretary, BJP who are the Chief Guests.
The ICAF's purpose is to fundraise in the United States for registered charities located in Ireland, kicking off this year with proceeds benefiting Children in Hospital Ireland.
This site, which has nearly 10,000 unique visitors a month, addresses many issues aimed at providing a better understanding of the human psyche. In our fast pace and quickly changing world, having properly educated and trained professionals in the field of psychology is more important than ever.
Bronx, N.Y., Science Academy SoftwareŽ, an educational publisher, announced today the release of a new mini-eBook "Making Is So -- Manifesting Realities, Ritualistic Prayer, Spiritual and Practical Guidance" by Robert Cummings.
Those who have believed in astrology do keenly await predictions for their horoscope daily, weekly, monthly, wherever they are expected to be available.
Ausar Auset Society, an international spiritual organization, is hosting a two-day event in celebration of Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) and Eastern wisdom cultures. The event, scheduled for Saturday, November 17, 2012 through Sunday, November 18, 2012, features free health and empowerment workshops, two live concerts, and Bazi (Taoist Chinese Astrology) and Feng Shui workshops.
Our rigorous and tireless efforts into realizing our vision for an exceptional design and direction helped us pull off a website that not only seems outstanding to us, but also to the web community at large.
The open house is an opportunity for the community to visit a Buddhist Center and see what it's all about, meet resident teacher, Rebecca Gauthier, our senior teachers and students. There will be a free meditation workshop, refreshments, a magic show and other activities for kids and more. Everyone is welcome.
The primary goal of The Little Yellow School House is to provide challenged children with the skills that will enable them to achieve their greatest potential.
Don McClain of CPR Commercial is a financial expert in the distressed commercial and residential distressed property industries. He is focused on offering solutions to owners, investors and those interested in purchasing real estate. He has 22 years of experience in the industry. For more information, visit
The third Hinduism Summit in Chicago concluded successfully at the Hindu Temple of Lake County. Attendees enthusiastically passed resolutions about preservation of Hinduism and provided very positive feedback about the program.
A Blog 'Celebration' that commemorates the Tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy by taking one small step to promote Peace, Brotherhood and Sisterhood among people of different faiths and beliefs.
A new website has been launched to support the book The Lightworkers Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups', written by Wendy Stokes. It is called the Lightworkers Circle Hub and is sponsored by the New Age Blog.
A Hinduism Summit organized by Hindu Temple of Lake County and Forum for Hindu Awakening will be held on August 27 to increase awareness about Hinduism and issues facing Hindus today. There will be insightful presentations, a question answer session, videos and exhibitions at this Summit.
After 50 years apart, International Centers for Spiritual Living and United Centers for Spiritual Living have united into one denomination. The teaching based on the Law of Attraction the Power of the Subconscious Mind has been widely popularized by Oprah Winfrey and the book "The Secret."