The treasured Carrara marble grouping will be among over 1,000 lots of antiques and fine arts, including Asian art, in the two day sale December 31-January 1.
Diamond Buyers Guides includes a load of knowledge on all matters about diamonds to assist the client in making the right choice when acquiring a diamond.
Twelve Jacksonville companies are teaming up to pet and pamper one lucky Northeast Florida bride and groom on their wedding day. "The Ultimate Wedding Package Giveaway" provides $20,000 worth of donated services. Couples can register to win at Registration ends Dec. 23, 2011 and voting for a winner begins in January 2012.
Online dating site Planet Love Match® recently launched its weekly, two-hour Internet radio show, Planet Love Match Radio on Airing every Thursday from 7-9pm Pacific Time, Planet Love Match Radio covers all facets of sex, love, dating and relationships.
Technousa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd launches; one of the finest platforms for the scrap metal trading professionals. Technousa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd launched on 29th October 2011 at 2.00pm
Hostgator Black Friday is one of the biggest sales of the year. The huge 50% discount is a special discount for Hostgator that is exclusive to only the Hostgator Black Friday promotions. is trying to enforce stricter policies for the protection of intellectual property and ensuring a safer online trading environment by strengthening its internal monitoring system against IPR infringement, and by banning members who have a previous record of violating the rules and policies of its online marketplace. is now a full, working website that gives valuable tips, recommendations, techniques, and resources about cholesterol. - supplier of horticulture thermal printing supplies - re-releases website with new features, user friendly interface, and new prices. Now all Pot tags, slip on tags, adhesive labels, ribbons, hang tags and software ship free - no minimum required.
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In Celebration of Ken's Birthday, for two days (Oct 27th & 28th) you can save 50% on 3 of Ken's Favorite MDO Wines - 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, 2007 Merlot and the 2007 Zinfandel.
Ascend Sports & Entertainment (ASE), a sports talent agency in Beverly Hills, has launched a new website and social media division for clients in sports and entertainment.
BvonM llc Announces the Appointment of Duquesa Marketing to Act as Managing Project Consultants. Product Development, Branding, Sales and Marketing to Be
Executed to Prepare for Spring 2012 Market Launch.
Duquesa Marketing Unveils New, More Inter-Active Web-site at Fresh Design Includes Free Consultation Feature and Free New Consumer Product Readiness Test for Inventors and Entrepreneurs.
Pathways Platform, the leader in Internet based physician and nurse staffing solutions, launches AHPathways for allied health candidates. AHPathways offers a unique, multi-media experience for prospective candidates.