Franklin & Seidelmann, a full-service radiology provider, has announced the launch of a new company called Radisphere National Radiology Group that spans the country with the highest quality radiology services.
Radisphere National Radiology Group will provide a combination of on-site and remote interpretation services as well as full night-time radiology coverage to Berwick Hospital Center and Lock Haven Hospital, both located in central Pennsylvania.
An exciting new market approach is being driven by the global leader in the manufacturing of custom transformers, inductors, coils, and linear stators. Regional Mfg Specialists becomes AGILE MAGNETICS to enhance its abilities to manufacture custom magnetics ranging from a few uH to 100KVA. Unique to the industry, Agile Magnetics also produces a myriad of pour under vacuum potting and assemblies.
Unique functionality allows medical imaging professionals and developers to showcase content from one or two medical monitors onto a projector or large screen display using a single Xenia board.
6.0 release delivers enhanced closed-loop communications for the timely delivery and tracking of critical test results as required by the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals. Real-time instant messaging (chat), as well as robust noifications and alerts, ensure that ordering physicians receive critical results and non-routine findings as quickly as possible and according to severity.