SpectraCell Laboratories has added the mineral manganese to its micronutrient test (MNT), which identifies nutritional deficiencies in people. Manganese is a trace element that helps the body fight oxidative stress.
TruScript Solutions, Inc. announces the next generation of clinical documentation with 15 minute turnaround times! Such a tremendous performance advantage over competitors is possible thanks to TruScript's revolutionary Cascade WorkFlow engine that's powered by a patent-pending work routing algorithm and capitalizes on industry-leading speech recognition and natural language processing tools.
Touchstone Health HMO will honor physicians within the New York Medicare Advantage company's health network at Partners in Quality: HCC Awards Dinner on Wednesday, March 28.
Social Medicine, a health based social networking site, helps people suffering from a variety of health conditions, to globally connect, help and share information with others in similar situations.
Reglera, LLC's upcoming Reproductive Regulatory Compliance Conference 2012 Golden will feature educational seminar sessions that detail the FDA regulations reproductive tissue establishments are required to follow.
The Thompson Trial Group, PA is a firm of trial lawyers specializing in first party and third party insurance litigation. We only represent insureds against insurance companies.
IAME is hosting a groundbreaking symposium for radiologists 'Managing the Incidentaloma.' The symposium explores and examines the most common incidental findings radiologists discover.
ACHL, a full-service, accredited CME provider, was recognized at the Alliance's 37th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida with a 2012 NAMEC Best Practice Award for their program on "CME Efficiencies Team Meetings/Training."
Sage Green Announces a Rebate Promotion for Select Marvalous Clary, Sage Oil Omega-3. The rebate promotion is for a $30 rebate coupon for every order over $250 and also a $10 rebate coupon for every order over $100. Marvalous Clary Sage Oil Omega 3 - the only non-oxidizing [stable] and 100% pure organic plant based omega 3 with up to 55% ALA Fatty Acids, as well as Q10, Vitamin E, Omega 9 and ove
Implementation of a smart card project requires a significant investment in setting up and upgradation of the current infrastructure. The cost of implementing a smart card based system is very high compared to the cost of smart cards
Unique Tonometer Diaton is presented at SECO 2012, Atlanta by Vision Systems (VSI) and BiCOM Inc., at Booth # 445. This new wave of tonometry is on the forefront of Glaucoma prevention and detection, with unique non-corneal measurements, without need of eye drops or replacement tips. Daton tonometer is simple to use and ideal for children and adults.
In early February, a house fire in the city of Lviv, Ukraine, left just three survivors, siblings aged 2, 11, and 13 - their parents, grandparents, and other siblings were all killed. MedFlight911 Air Ambulance, based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, worked with an international team of medical providers, the Red Cross, and diplomats from both countries, to arrange transport for the surviving.
Inspire and patient advocacy organization Encephalitis Global release special report that examines the effects of the rare neurological disease encephalitis on patients and their families.