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  • The Research Focus at ENTER 2014
  • At ENTER 2014 Conference, taking place between the 21st and 24st January, 2014 in Dublin, one of the three main streams of the conference will be the 'research track' where academics will discuss a number of cutting-edge topics related to the conference's main theme 'Where Social Inspiration meets Dynamic eTourism Innovation'.
  • By Ifitt - October 11, 2013
  • The Irish E-Tourism Day at ENTER 2014
  • One of the highlights at the upcoming ENTER 2014 Conference in Dublin, Ireland will be the Irish E-Tourism Day that will take place January 22, 2014. With a focus on Irish tourism activities this conference day will form a national networking event for tourism and hospitality stakeholders in Ireland.
  • By Ifitt - September 28, 2013
  • Apeirocoup LLC Releases ShopNDineCal for iPhone and iPod Touch
  • Apeirocoup LLC today announced that their first application, ShopNDineCal, is now available exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch. ShopNDineCal is a shopping and tip calculator with the capability of directly converting the price of shopping items or dining expenditures to other currencies. So that while travelling abroad, user knows exactly how much he/she is spending on a shopping item or a mea
  • By Apeirocoup Llc - September 23, 2013