Quality Diamonds, one of the UK's largest certified diamond retailers operating both online and offline through their sales offices in Hatton Garden and Milton Keynes, have developed a brand new bespoke sales order processing system.
Xezo.com, an online shop for luxury watches and other Limited Edition luxury items, is soon to offer the Architect 2001 Limited-Edition for Ladies - a timepiece designed to capture classical and contemporary architecture.
Salt Lake City-based headwear manufacturer, Discrete Headwear, announces the addition of snowboarders Ralph Backstrom, Griffin Siebert, Sam Taxwood, and Matt Annetts to athlete roster and a new video, Discrete TV #23, showcasing their talents.
The fashion-forward, timeless Bagich bag designs are the creation of Dutch-born fashion and handbag designer, Nora Westerbeek Van Eerten, who now resides in South Africa.
Diamond & Design Jewelers will hold a fundraising event on Saturday, April 30th at The Commons in Chino Hills to raise $5,000 for St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
Upscale celebrity-charity brand Wizard Jeans delivered to Princess-to-Be, Kate Middleton, a selection of jeans for her to wear on her honeymoon jaunts; the Classic White, Stonewash Blue and their new low-crop Hipster jeans due to be launched in July. Mum and sister also each received a pair.
The Outdoor Division Ltd, a leading online retailer of men's outdoor clothing and accessories, announce the launch of their new Urban Armour spring/summer range which is available on their website from 6th April 2011.
In the later stages of autumn 2010 a new brand hit the screens of Mainline Menswear, catching the eye of millions of shoppers over the winter and Christmas period. Penfield Clothing is back again for summer 2011.
$100 worth of Nursing Scrubs are being given away by So! Scrubs. Enter at the So! Scrubs website or look up So! Scrubs on your Facebook page. Free nursing scrubs are hard to find, so here is your chance to get some.
Narry is an International Tailoring brand with over 30 years of experience in providing high quality, hand made, custom tailored clothing. Growing the trademark from the ground upwards, Narry's business is built on a hard earned a reputation for the constant high level services and workmanship they deliver.
Russia is showing a significant increase in terms of fashion industry..., and Italy testifies for it. As a matter of fact, in November 2010, the Russian Fashion Festival took place in Milan.
Prince Peter Collection is the most exciting, progressive and wholly original brand in the fashion industry right now. It doesn't get much hotter, yet seriously cool, than this. It just makes sense. His collection the Prince Peter's collections consist of a wide variety of unisex Rock n' Roll t-shirts which comprises the concepts of great artists and artists and photographers designs.
Vizio Optic Glasses and Sunglasses Store is delighted to have hosted the 2011 CHANEL Eyeglasses and Sunglasses Event on Saturday, April 2 at its flagship store in Brookline Village, the home of the award-winning eyewear boutique.
Classic British styled accessories retailer Moodys Worldwide commented today on reports that UK high street stores are vastly overcharging their customers for fashion.
On April 5th, 2011, SmartBrideBoutique.com shares tips and tricks for brides on how to create a stylish and eco-friendly wedding without blowing the budget via an interactive, online event.