Mark your calendars and join Abalonetti Bar and Grill in Monterey for a fun family fundraiser which will support peace of mind dog rescue on April 18th, 2013.
Today, Cyberlobe announced the release of their app - What's In My Bag, a fashion app especially for women. Sometimes it becomes a trouble for a woman to find a particular thing out of her big handbag which is overflowing with things. This is a fun yet useful app to manage and keep track of items in their handbags.
An online specialty prom dress boutique, Prom Dresses by French Novelty showcases America's top designer prom dresses for a focused and fun shopping experience.
Save the Date! Join Carmel Valley's East End Wine Row for a "Spring Celebration" where you will learn about great wines, gardening, watch live chef demos and support a great cause.
The City of St. George, Utah just celebrated 151 years. The date was marked by free access to all St. George City recreation facilities including the Carousel in Town Square, all topped off by Mayor Dan McArthur and his City Council serving Root Beer floats at the historic Opera House.
New Website Launched. On the brand new website you'll find promotional videos, music, pictures, reviews, latest news, latest gig listings and much more.
D.T. Jimenez, a personal trainer certified by the Copper Institute, has released his first book titled Metabolism Diet: Boosting Metabolism At Any Age.
Bevans Branham was one of the venture capitalists involved in funding the discovery of the legendary San Jose treasure ship. The San Jose, often called the "holy grail" of treasure ships, is estimated to be worth around $20 billion today- but the historical value of the ship is much greater than this number.
Fitness and media company O2 MAX now makes it easier for college students to fight the Freshman 15 with a new health ebook, "College Fit Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Stay Fit, Fight the Freshman 15 and More." The guide empowers students to stay healthy in college, in the least stressful way possible, with customizable workouts and a sensible approach to nutrition.
Bella Petite Magazine selects internationally recognized Psychic Medium, Spiritual Advisor Linda West, MA, to provide monthly guidance and insight to empower public in all things success and life!
Orderman recently released a new study, 'Trends, Success Factors, Technologies', offering penetrating insights into the world of hospitality. The results, some of which are surprising, have been brought together in a booklet, which can be ordered or downloaded at
The Champagne Collection is offering the customers with very best of champagnes including some eternal favorites and rare collections. Champagne gifts are available too.
Zipper Bandz is seeing its zipper bracelets quickly become the next kids' fashion craze and has introduced a new line of two-tone neon zipper bracelets.