Mark Daniel Adamczyk and he is partnering with The Ingersoll Group to launch a new website for iDrive. Experience the difference of easiness and simplicity with Feel the total freedom of choices and exceptional ideas.
The internet has changed a lot of people lives and is so even more with online adoption. It has never been easier to find a child or family for your expectant child.
Omved, an active member of TGPI announces its participation in 'The Green People Festival' event being held in Mumbai from 25 October to 2 November 2013. Mumbai, Thursday, 24 October 2013. Omved, an organic lifestyle brand that supports pure natural living, is joining 'The Green People of India' in their eco-friendly fiesta.
Renowned jewelry designer, Kevia Jeffrey-West, has become widely recognized for her unique interpretation of jewels inspired by her travels abroad, the power of history and the subtle magnetism of nature.
Mantri Developers Pvt. Ltd (MDPL), the leading real estate player of South India has been awarded the prestigious Golden Peacock Global Award for Sustainability, 2013 at the London Global Convention and Golden Peacock Awards presentation held in London.
Mark your calendars for the 68th season of the Monterey Symphony all taking place at Steinbeck Institute for Arts and Culture at Sherwood Hall, Salinas.