NorthStar Utilities Solutions continues to improve the efficiency of electric, gas and water utilities with the release of their meter data management solution - MeterSense 2.0. MeterSense helps utilities tie their AMR/AMI technology into its business processes by integrating multiple systems and automating workflows to gain operational efficiencies.
NorthStar Utilities Solutions announced today that National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), located in St. Georges, Grenada has selected NorthStar CIS for their customer relations management and utility billing system.
TAG Oil has completed an internal Resource Assessment on the Company's 100% controlled Winchester exploration permit PEP 38748, located in the onshore Taranaki basin, New Zealand. The analysis concludes a “best estimate” (P50) of 19.1 million stock tank barrels of original oil in place effective December 17, 2009.
NorthStar Utilities Solutions signed an agreement with Hearst Power Distribution to implement MeterSense as their Operational Data Store. MeterSense is a comprehensive meter data management solution (MDMS) designed to provide utilities with long-term storage of billing and operational data, validation, and through its configurable Rules Engine, intelligent real-time event management.
Douglas County Public Utility District No. 1, located in East Wenatchee, WA, has chosen NorthStar CIS for providing it's customers superior customer relations management and utility billing.
Findings recently released by Zpryme come at a historical moment as President Barack Obama has been in meetings with President Hu Jintao this week to reach an agreement to expand their cooperation in reducing carbon emissions. Zpryme revealed today that from 2009 to 2013, China’s renewable energy market is expected to grow twice as fast as the U.S. renewable energy market.
With over 750 financial incentives and over 350 policies at state, federal, county and local levels, Mercom’s real time market intelligence and public affairs program is helping clean energy companies stay competitive.
GreenEarthReality is a company that supports essential changes for individuals and companies toward alternative energy use and products. GER creates awareness through links to the important discussions that are currently going on today in the alternative energy field.
Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report which offers a comprehensive outlook of the German solar photovoltaic market.
People-Planet-Profits newsletter will continue to discuss issues such as Food vs. Fuel, Sustainability of Biofuels, Working with Indigenous People, and Poverty.
K&A Wireless, LLC and Petro Telemetrics Inc. have joined forces to deliver integrated IP-based communications, security, SCADA and networking solutions for the oil, gas and mining industries.
Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report showing that the current global market for cleantech products and services is about $284 billion, growing to over $1.3 trillion in 2017. Of this amount more than one-third ($467 billion) is attributable to renewable energy sources, such as biofuels, solar, tidal, and wind power.
Research report analyzing the recent US energy industry scenario and what the future holds for the country's escalating energy crisis. A global energy profile further enhances the value of this 300 page report.
Demand for non-reactive components for fuel cell balance-of-plant will continue to increase over the forecast period, the percentage penetration will reduce from 8.3% in 2007 to 2.5% in 2012. This is because the global fuel cell market will reach $13 billion in 2012, from $1.7 billion in 2007, a CAGR of 50%.