Now it’s easy to shop fireworks and crackers easily online as Akshayaa Fireworks has come up with latest revamped design to improve the online shopping crackers experience for their customers.
The CPSC has opened a period of consultation relating to its proposed age determination guidelines for toys. The consultation period ends on July 31, 2018.
Eco-buttons have the ability to save consumers time and money, but this cannot be at the cost of efficacy. SGS offers a range of services to help prove the effectiveness of their eco-button.
With reports of exploding Li-ion batteries becoming more common in our papers, SGS is reminding device manufacturers of the importance of maintaining rigorous testing and auditing procedures to protect their products and reputation.
The Arkieva planning solution implementation will provide Duvel Moortgat with an Automated and Collaborative Demand Planning Tool to Create a More Optimized Inventory Management Process.
Indonesia has published a proposal to mandate testing and certification of food contact paper and paperboard. If adopted, the regulations could become effective in 2020.
The partnership between the Automotive Parts Manufacturer’s Association (APMA), the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) and the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development and Growth (MEDG) supports the auto parts sector in adopting industry leading software, hardware and/or provide training to improve processes and increase the competitiveness of the industry in Ontario.
A new version of ASTM D5489 for care labeling instructions has been released, bringing the standard into better alignment with ISO symbols and clarifying the FTC’s Care Labeling Rule.
The EU has issued Directive (EU) 2018/725, amending the TSD migration limits for chromium (VI) in certain toy materials. The new rules become effective in November 2019.
BPOG, the BioPhorum Operations Group, recently developed a best practices guide on forecasting and demand planning involving the biopharmaceutical industry. The guide, a collaborative effort involving biomanufacturers and suppliers, is available from BPOG’s website. It aims to help manufacturers and their vendors improve understanding and communication regarding each other’s needs.
Following a vote by the Board of Supervisors, San Francisco will become the third Californian city to ban the sale of new fur clothing and accessories, on January 1, 2019.
Canada has introduced new restrictions on the use of lead and cadmium in children’s jewelry. The new restrictions come into effect on November 2, 2018.
CARB has published two documents relating to the formaldehyde regulations under CARB and the US EPA. In addition to a comparison document, CARB has also announced it will accept compliant composite wood products that are labeled as TSCA Title VI compliant.