In its most robust schedule to date, transportation software provider, IES, Ltd., will travel the globe in support of key industry events in this powerhouse conference season.
Midwest continues to lose residents, while southern states are gaining along with many other interesting facts. Find out where America is moving and why.
Partnership Helps U.S., China, and Asian Business Owners Extend Their Marketplace By Serving As A Bridge To Businesses To Help Sell Their Products And Services.
Recent PODS contest winner donates free storage to help San Luis Obispo County animals just in time for its annual Wiggle Waggle Walk fundraiser on Oct. 22.
Container and Pooling Solutions (CAPS) has chosen to exhibit as a part of the Reusable Packaging Pavilion at the PACK EXPO International, held this September in Las Vegas.
The CWC group are proud to announce the launch of their new Conference and Exhibition, Logistics West Africa to take place in Lagos on 1-3 November 2011.
Ex Works, a pioneer in data connectivity between freight forwarders and trucking networks, saves EMO TRANS thousands of hours of labor with its COMPLY technology offering for Change-Five compliance.
TIFLEX SA of France has unveiled the HRP 1000 R3, its new Very High Resolution inkjet printer, which was specifically designed to meet traceability requirements in industrial-product logistics using the GS1 128 bar code.
The first containers are being off-loaded in the United States following a major rollout of IES, Ltd. technology in Shenzhen. The launch has resulted in a 63% increase in volume and 50% time savings versus the same period in the previous year. The Bakers Footwear fall lineup is scheduled to be in stores ahead of their competitors' fall season debut.
Top independent forwarders and logistics providers in the region and from around the world were honored at the prestigious International Forwarders Awards China 2011 (IFA China 2011) ceremony held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China.
As the country embarks on the busiest moving season of the year, Atlas asked its approximately 3,000 professional van operators (PVOs) to identify the most interesting belongings they've been asked to move.
Software and electronic communication providers IES, Ltd. and Traxon Europe are co-operating to provide seamless electronic data exchange between forwarders and airlines. This has become especially important since many airlines require MAWB and HAWB information in electronic format from forwarders in order to comply with new customs regulations implemented in the European Union at the beginning..
Transit Systems, Inc. announces iPod Nano and iTunes gift certificates prize winners of the "Music That Moves You" Prize Drawing which was launched last month for votes on top ten songs about moving.
IES, Ltd., one of the fastest growing transportation software companies in the world, has rolled out a new tool engineered for document management and on-demand accessibility.
Transit Systems, Inc. announces the "Music That Moves You" Prize Drawing to launch on May 16, 2011 for votes on top ten songs about moving with grand prizes including a new iPod nano with Multi-Touch and iTunes gift certificates.
Eu Logistics Hub is a new initiative to promote the logistics industry in Limburg (the Netherlands). It has now a new website, so come and find out about Eu Logistics Hub!
This 2 day workshop on 7-8 September in Singapore is designed to help supply chain managers and logistics managers identify the weakest links in the entire supply chain. This is especially in after the disaster in Japan that saw many disruptions in many supply chains when Japanese suppliers could not meet companies' requirements. Proactive strategies are needed to prevent similar breakdowns.