Highground Industrial provides comprehensive demolition and environmental contracting services, including Remediation, Waste Management, Emergency Response, Asset Recovery and full site work services. They are sponsoring the NALGEP/ RTM Conference.. Exec. VP Chris Wilson will be a speaker on one of the Brownfield discussions.
As energy-saving are greatly advocated all over the world, eco-friendly building has naturally become an irresistible trend in brick equipment industry.
Advenser, the global CAD drafting company is exhibiting in the 2014 Design-Build Conference & Expo and BIMForum conference in October. The conference will have presentations on practical aspects of design build techniques and BIM. Both events will be held at Dallas, Texas.
Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry of EnviroFry advises that mold victims get a second opinion or second bid before hiring a company for toxic mould inspection, testing, and remediation.
Renovation and Restoration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum Garners Prestigious Construction Industry Award for Kirchhoff-Consigli.
Consigli's construction of the 225 Binney Street Complex in Cambridge, and Thai Buddhist Temple in Raynham, Massachusetts garner top regional construction industry awards.