Adelphi University's Institute for Parenting will offer an interactive discussion and a continuing education event on parenting spirited children with internationally renowned lecturer, parent educator and author Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.
Eunice Kinrade, registered nurse and administrator of Colorado Assisted Living Homes, LLC, announced that the residents of assisted living homes Littleton and other homes of Colorado Assisted Living had a few mind-diverting outside trips in the month of January.
This Tuesday, January 29th, at 7:30 p.m., fatherhood advocate Jeffery M. Leving welcomes Emily O'Brien, a seasoned father's rights attorney with a decade of experience in the New York court system, to Chicago Counterpoint on CAN-TV/Ch.21.
Henci Goer and Barbara Harper are two of the speakers scheduled for the upcoming "BabyFest Expo" in Oceanside, California. This expo is designed for expectant parents and new families to hear expert discussions from key note speakers, and to see all of the latest products and services available.
During January, which is International Child-Centered Divorce Month, divorce attorneys, mediators, coaches and other experts world-wide will be providing free gifts for parents to help them avoid serious divorce mistakes that can harm their children. Visit to access free gifts and special events in January.
Children are more likely to read if parents let them decide what they read, however parents can give them directions and offer support, Scholastic suggests.
NASCAR and Hendricks Motorsports drivers Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson are teaming up with award winning Safe-2-GoŽ to offer specially designed and licensed child safety harnesses to their smallest fans.
Do you want to know the cause of ADHD symptoms? Would it help you to know how to prevent a diagnosis of ADHD for your children and your grandchildren? What if moving away from drugs and toward natural wellness for your child is easier than you have been led to believe? Does family harmony seem like an unattainable goal with all that life drops at your doorstep?
Baby Jogger has worked hard throughout its 25 year history to earn the respect and trust of both regulators and parents alike and today their brand name is synonymous with superior quality, innovative design and simple functionality.
Finally, talents other than singing and dancing get a national level platform.
Showcasing your kid's special talents to the entire world is now a click away.
goAUPAIR announces a new Local Area Representative for the Providence area, expanding their presence and actively looking for families to host an Au Pair from goAUPAIR.
Babies in Bloom is hoping to break a local record with more than 90 mothers and their babies expected to attend this year's "Big Latch On" synchronized breastfeeding event.
Marianne Hooker was initially reluctant to share her family's often terrifying secrets and history of incest, physical abuse and psychological violence, but she realized by sharing her experiences in the nonfiction book "Expect a Miracle," it would be a therapeutic read for anyone who is living with similarly deep psychological wounds as well as for his or her family and friends.
Tiny Treasures Kids Sale, LLC is Northwestern New Jersey's first and premiere semi-annual, seasonal consignment event featuring thousands of high-quality, gently used children's items at a fraction of the cost. Something for all ages from newborn through teenagers. It's a great way to make some extra money, shop for things your kids need, and preserve the environment!
Young Leaders Campus will introduce the most innovative Preschool alternative, after-school programs, enrichment classes, and vocationally-inspired birthday parties- for children from 6 months to 12 years old.