For more than two decades, states around the country have required divorced parents to provide local courts with documentation detailing parenting schedules. Further legislation by some states orders children to spend a certain amount of time with each parent. But is it all enough?
This just released ebook reveals what parents must know about how sex offenders who prey on their children think and what they can do to protect their kids online and off
Despite an increase in requirements that high school students perform volunteer work in order to graduate, one author believes that more can be done to teach children, especially younger children, about the power of being a good citizen.
Divorced parents raising children in separate households often miss parts of their children’s lives in which they’d like to be involved. It’s a reality made just a little easier because of a book by divorced parents, for divorced parents.
New Potty Training Resource Achieves Recognition from the Juvenile Products Manufacturing Association (JPMA) and Receives Honorable Mention From Startup Nation
This year, Oprah's Favorite Things selections were very different than in past years, but will provide even more "wow" factor to the recipient as they come from the most cherished place on earth--the giver's heart. Suzibella's Keepsake Boxes are gifts-from-the-heart as they are made to hold the most valuable items you own--your baby's precious mementos.
A study released this week by Columbia University researchers found that young children exposed to anesthesia may be more prone to developing behavioral and developmental disorders than their peers, though researchers said the study was limited.
Phonics expert Robyn Dalby-Stockwell's home taught reading course, helping preschoolers and older children to read sooner, is now available in a cheap downloadable form.
Great opportunity for parents to help prevent child loss, molestation, and abduction. Child safety is a huge must in any familly setting regarless of the individual raising the youth. has the only protection plan that allows for a reward to be issued and a private detectives services to be initiated in case of the unexpected.
Lions, tigers and bears are not what stresses Dorothy in the schools these days, it's bullying, gangs, and eating disorders according to Michelle Farias, author of 25 Ways to Keep Your Child Safe, Healthy and Successful. Farias will be available on a free teleconference call June 30th to answer questions from concerned parents. The call is sponsored by, LLC.
For some reason you keep coming up with social names, in order to identify particular subcultural patterns of behavior. These range from Mobileers, to Baby Boomers, through Dewks and Dinks. What's next? Kids who need your help?
A FREE workshop on getting thousands of dollars for your child's education will be lead by Chuck Drawbaugh, a leading college speaker and consumer advocate. He will be discussing how to send your kids to the school of their dreams without going broke.
MLFCCA will now be offering their members an exclusive discount for the Childcare Wizard, the industry’s leader in childcare websites, as a benefit to their members. Childcare Bridge International, Inc. developed the Childcare Wizard to simplify enrollment and parent communication online for child care providers and child care centers everywhere.
Sweet Peas and Polka Dots expands their selection of hip, modern baby stationery with the exciting launch of Lux Baby at The exclusive Lux Baby line offers birth announcements, baby thank you cards and baby note cards.
What breastfeeding mothers eat can irritate their baby's digestive system and result in fussiness and crying. By changing her diet on a short term basis, new mothers can easily calm their fussy babies.
The Safety Simon Water Safety DVD, designed for kids age three to seven, is now available to the general public, educators, libraries and childcare providers at Non-profit childcare centers are eligible for free copies of the DVD through the charitable “Safety Simon Buddy System” program.