Chanakya IAS Academy in collaboration with AK Mishra's Art of Success will organize an "Art of Success" Seminar at Zoravar Singh Auditorium, Jammu University on 29th September.
This year was all the more special, as the list of special invitees included founding faculty at GIM, who had graciously agreed to attend this year's event.
NIIT Limited, a global leader in skills and talent development, announced India's most significant IT & New-Age Careers Scholarship program - 'Bhavishya Jyoti Scholarship', to enhance employability for meritorious students by bridging the affordability gap and making them future-ready to meet the emerging manpower needs of today's knowledge economy.
KIIT School of Management (KSOM) organized its 6th National Marketing Conclave on the 29th of August. The theme of the conclave was "E-Commerce - Changing Business Fundamentals" and it sought to take a closer look at how E-commerce has changed the game for businesses today.
Comic creator and teacher Mike Gagnon is launching a new school in St. Catharines, Ontario. The school, called The Independent School of Arts and Business, exists to teach artists how to make a living on their art.
Checkered Flag Run Foundation Answers President Obama's Challenge to Help Youth Reach Their Full Potential with event to Inspire and Encourage Students via Local Sports Legends and Executives at MBK: Sports Box Dialogue.
Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies, celebrating its Silver Jubilee year in Management education will be hosting a conclave on "Attitude Skills and Knowledge (ASK) and "employer's expectations on skills & Employability" on the 26th of September.
NIIT, a global leader in skills and talent development, has announced free access to CTET preparation portal to all teachers and would be teachers of India from Sept 5th to Sept 30th 2015. Through this initiative NIIT would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to all teachers who have dedicated their lives to groom the next generation Indians.
Top scholars from Colorado's private sector career colleges will come together to be recognized for their achievements in the classroom at the Denver Post Auditorium at 9am on September 18th.