Goa Institute of Management (GIM) is holding an Executive Learning Solutions Program, on 'HR Analytics for HR Effectiveness' from 15 to 16 July at its campus in Goa.
One of the NSS volunteers of Lovely Professional University, Nidhi Nayan visited China under International Youth Exchange Program (YEP) between India and China.
FORE conducts MDPs to equip managers with knowledge, skills and attitudes required for effectively responding to global developments and competitive requirements.
KULPER & COMPANY is an executive recruitment firms that conducts senior level search assignments for corporations, universities and "Not for Profit" organizations.
MHRD proposes translation of the position paper in all regional languages for wider dissemination across all States and Union Territories. MHRD to incorporate ideas from this paper into its 'Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Abhiyan'.
Imarticus Learning is pleased to announce the move of it's flagship training center, corporate office and marketing office to Kaledonia at 5th Floor, B-Wing, Kaledonia, HDIL Building, Sahar Rd, Andheri (E), Mumbai.
Enago attends Council of Science Editors (CSE) 2016 annual meeting to increase the awareness for the current and emerging issues in the communication of scientific information.
Joel Penton, one of the most admired High School motivational speakers in the nation, is going to address the students at West Virginia State University in Institute, WV. The West Virginia GEAR UP camp is scheduled for 22nd June, 2016.
Texila American University (TAU), one among the fastest growing Medical Schools in the Caribbean, launches the 3rd International Scientific e-Conference on 17th June 2016.
Campus Consortium, a leading education association of over 2,000 higher education institutions and K-12 school district members, today announced that it is opening a new office located at 65 Monroe St. in the Chicago Loop.
'This month is the perfect time to highlight the power of giving and the delight and blessings that come as a result of it', concluded the motivational speaker.
Selected student Sonam Deki is from Thimphu (Bhutan) and studied B Sc Airlines Tourism & Hospitality Program at LPU. LPU has one of the only simulation air plane labs in North India to train students.
NetCom Learning named a finalist in the 2016 Microsoft Learning Partner of the Year Award for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.
MVJ College of Engineering has organized XXIX Graduation Day on 14th May 2016, to rejoice and felicitate the persistence and perseverance of graduates across all streams of Engineering, Masters of Business Administration and Masters of Computer Application course.
MVJ College Of Engineering, Bangalore had organized its "Founder's Day" on 17th May, 2016 to honor and to pay homage to the institutional founder Late, Dr. MV Jayaraman on his 89th birth anniversary.
The Coalition for Responsible Publication Resources (CRPR; www.RPRcoalition.org; @RPRcoalition) is one step closer to its missionto help preserve the integrity of the scholarly literature by sharing industry knowledge of irresponsible and in some cases predatory practices associated with academic publishing.
The 7th convocation ceremony of Bengal Institute Of Bengal Studies - which has been ranked among world's greatest brand 2015 Asia & GCC, was held on 4th June 2016 at Birla Academy Of Art And Culture.
GCC would be India's first career counselling course in collaboration with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension. The self-paced 40-hour online career-oriented course will have a mix of technical skills, counselling skills and practical learning.
LPU students to visit Mount Royal University under exchange program in January, 2017. Student exchange program has been running successfully at LPU for the last six years.