This oil has been selected from over 1,000 samples for appearing in the 2013 edition of Floss Olei , "the world guide of extra virgin olive oil." This guide in English and Italian is a tool for the dissemination and promotion of the leading worldwide exponents in the olive oil production industry.
Once again it is time to fight for the values of our country, we must not let our principles be destroyed, as proud Americans we must return to the values and foundation of our nation.
On April 7 the world celebrated World Health Day and Spain did so with the appointment of a Spaniard to lead the Transplantation Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO). José Ramón Núñez, former transplant coordinator at the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid, joined the Transplantation Programme of the WHO this past December following a proposal from the Spanish National Transplant Organization (ONT) which is headed by Rafael Matesanz.
Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Francisco Sánchez will offer the keynote address at ACCESS 2013, an international trade forum showcasing growing business opportunities in the Africa, Near East and South Asia (ANESA) region in La Jolla, Calif., May 1-2, 2013.
The United States of America Department of Commerce through its Commercial Service announces Access 2013 International Trade Forum to be celebrated at San Diego, California in May 1st - 2nd.
Fundacion Real Madrid's Campus Experience is coming to Southeast Asia for the very first time, and Singapore will be the host country of the one of the world's most successful sports and education vacation programmes.
Spain, working with the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT), has organised the 'Sixth International Symposium on Asystolic Organ Donation'.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) made the announcement yesterday that they will implement new radon testing and radon mitigation requirements for multifamily units in an effort to prevent lung cancer. This new program is part of the CDC Healthy Homes Initiative. National radon mitigation company, S.W.A.T. Environmental is staffing-up to handle the increased workload.
A total of six diplomats and politicians based in the UK were announced as winners of the inaugural Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Award for their commitment to the people's interest.
Last minute W2 and 1099 filer can download ezW2 and try the white paper printing feature at New edition of EzW2 Software eliminates the need to pre-print tax forms for W2 and 1099 form recipient copies.
ez1099 software from helps users meet Jan 31 deadline by printing recipient copies on white paper and into PDF files. Paper saving Efile feature is also available for companies who prefer to go green.
Solidary Foundation - International Public Tender - Call For Interest Manifestation - Paul Chehade. Humanitarian Aid Hospital Donation To Diocese Of Luebo - Archdiocese Of Kananga Democratic Republic Of Congo.
Jeffery M. Leving will open the new season of his television show, "Chicago Counterpoint" on CAN-TV/Ch.21 with retired juvenile court judge Michael W. Stuttley at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, January 8th.
MIW foundation with support of Supreme Infrastructure India Ltd. has organized a Self Defence Training Workshop for girl student of Gyan Mandir Public School, Nariana Vihar, New Delhi conducted by Delhi Police. The workshop commenced from 18th December and ended on 31st December, 2012 whereinmore than 140girl students benefitted from this workshop.
The Surgeon General of The United States is urging home and business owners to test for this deadly gas. Radon levels are typically higher in the winter months and the threat may be at its greatest in January. For this reason, Environmental Protection Agency is designating January 2013 as National Radon Month. For more information, contact S.W.A.T. Environmental at 1-800-NO-RADON.
The U.S. Senate Resolution 543, referred to as the International Parental Child Abduction Resolution, initially sponsored before the Senate by California Senator and renowned child advocate Barbara Boxter and Co-sponsored by 27 other U.S. Senators unanimously passed in the Senate. The Resolution takes a hard stance against the criminal and abusive act of international parental child abduction.
Lint Center for National Security Studies Awards Scholarship to the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University Undergraduate Student and Department of Defense Policy Intern, Michelle Shevin-Coetzee.
Lint Center for National Security Studies Awards Scholarship to International Security Studies Graduate Student and Department of Homeland Security Full-Time Intern, Joseph Kirshy.
First Class Packaging is a single-source, full-service packaging manufacturer, design consultant and product provider. The company has significantly expanded its website, www., to inform the aerospace, defense, industrial, military, technology and other customers it serves of its growing packaging capabilities, products and services.
Oct 20 2012, Incheon Songdo International City was determined as a host of the secretariat of the United Nations climate fund on Saturday Result of voting was determined by the 24 members of the Green Climate Fund Secretariat over five other competitors and Songdo, Incheon was the final selection to accommodate the secretariat of the UN Green Climate Fund.