Hungry Animals is a great new game for the iPhone / iPod Touch that promises hours of endless entertainment, with a special introductory price of $0.99 (USD).
Gorilla Monkey Crunch Lite for the iPhone and iPod Touch by Appnoose has topped the iTunes Appstore Kids Games charts in three countries. Apple (AAPL) device users in India, Slovakia and Egypt have downloaded the Lite version above many more established brands, catapulting the first game by UK based Appnoose to the number 1 slot of the Kids Games chart and in the case of Egypt, all Free Games.
Wanna Catch Santa 'on-camera' in your home Christmas Eve? There's an App for that... and it's free to try. The creators of, the website that makes it easy for parents to get proof that Santa was in their homes, have just released a new mobile App.
Gorilla Monkey Crunch, the 2D Arcade style game by Appnoose for the iPhone and iPod Touch has a new little brother; Gorilla Monkey Crunch Lite. The Lite version features all the same functions as the fully paid version except that it does not have the Global high scores using Openfeint, does not save the game on exit or interruption and is ad supported.
Online bingo tournament Bingo World Championship 2010 is one of the most high-profile online bingo tournaments around. Its cash prize pool of US$10,000 and final round cash prize of US$5000 is an enticement few online bingo players can refuse. Bingobeez is one of the 12 online bingo sites participating and recently launched their first qualifying round for the big online competition.
With interviews from the biggest game companies in the business, stories and advice of novice inventors who took their games to market and succeeded or failed, as well as an entertaining look into how the industry operates for those with a casual interest, The Game Inventor's Guidebook gives specific instructions on the steps every aspiring inventor needs to take.
Gaming growth stock merger news: Unique gaming stock in the news, gaming industry sector leader Winning Edge International, Inc. (Stock Symbol: WNED) announces merger agreement with ProGames Network, a provider of online and mobile gaming community services. ProGames is a subsidiary of MobilePro Corp. (Stock Symbol: MOBL) one of North America’s leading wireless broadband companies.
About 1888FreeOnlineGames
1888FreeOnlineGames, is a rapidly growing free online gaming website. The company provides the best free online games and focuses on providing a unique user experience for gamers.